Paula’s Upcoming Presentations

Paula’s virtual webinar and seminar historical and genealogical presentations are lively, yet professional and educational. She has been presenting webinars, online seminars, and virtual institute courses for several years even before the start of the Coronavirus Pandemic. A list of her upcoming presentations follows this paragraph. Please carefully check the linked websites for virtual presentations to see if the event is only for members of the organization and for registration details. Most presentations are open to everyone, but some societies restrict handout access to members! You could also join to support that organization. Paula is comfortable with her audience and presents practical and accurate information. Each PowerPoint presentation and accompanying handout material is updated prior to each presentation. She is accessible for questions at her presentations and enjoys discussing genealogy with the participants throughout the event day or as part of a webinar or seminar. The visuals and the handout material reflect research in a wide variety of locales. Her lectures have taken her to most states around the U.S., to Canada and on cruise ships! Full information on events is not posted until the sponsor and Paula have signed a contract. Want to know more about my presentation services, arrangements, and fees? Email me: PaulaStuartWarren at Anyone interested in the events below may register unless it states for members only. If you are relatively new to family history searching, a virtual webinar, seminar, or institute means that you are attending online from home and using your own computer or tablet while still wearing your slippers!

Paula’s 2025 Speaking Engagements
(To learn more and register click on the Society name or event link for each date.)

March 8, 2025. Saturday Morning Webinar. Waupaca Area Genealogical Society (WI) Hybrid Presentation. My topic is “Railroad Records and Railroad History: Methods for Tracking.” I will cover general U.S. railroad records research and include parts on upper Midwest railroads including some that operated in Wisconsin.


March 11, 2025. Thursday Evening Webinar. El Dorado Hills Genealogical Society of California. My presentation is “Tho They Were Poor, They May Have Been Rich in Records.”


March 28, 2025. Friday Afternoon Webinar. 3:00 EDT. 2:00 CDT. Houston Public Library’s Family History Research Center at the Clayton Library Campus I am happy to be doing another presentation on behalf of the Clayton Library! My topic and accompanying handout is “Tho’ They Were Poor, They May Have Been Rich in Records.” 


March 29, 2025. Saturday Webinar. Capital Area District Library of Lansing, Michigan. My topic is “Railroad Records and Railroad History: Methods for Tracking.” In the presentation and handout, I will cover general U.S. railroad records research and include parts on upper Midwest railroads including some that operated in Michigan and records found in Michigan repositories.


April 11, 2025. Friday Afternoon Free Webinar. 2:00 EDT, 1:00 CDT. Legacy Family Tree Webinars. My topic is “Neglected Gold in Older Genealogical and Historical Periodicals. To register using my affiliate link

April 17, 2025. Thursday Evening In-Person Presentation. St. Croix Valley Genealogical Society, River Falls, Wisconsin. My presentation and handout topic: “Finding Maiden Names: Let Me Count The Ways.” A spring ritual to be back with the SCVGS.


April 26, 2025. Saturday Virtual Presentation as part of the New Hampshire Society of Genealogists Virtual Spring Conference. Details TBA.


May 17, 2025. Saturday Webinar. South King County Genealogical Society. 10:00 a.m. PDT, Noon CDT. Happy to be going back to the SKCGS. My topic “The WPA Era: Free Records Boon from the Government” is accompanied by a handout. 

June 23-27, 2025. Virtual Week-long Courses. GRIP Genealogy Institute.  

Registration is now open! Click on the link above or below!

Get ready for a NEW addition to the long-running GRIP course “Digging Deeper: Records, Tools, and Skills.” This additional course will alternate with the current course. You do not need to have attended the 2024 edition or previous years of “Digging Deeper: Records, Tools, and Skills” and attending the 2025 session does not mean you don’t need that other one. They are different but complement each other.

“Beyond Digging Deeper: Sources, Methods, and Practices
We have listened to requests from previous students in Digging Deeper: Records, Tools, and Skills and have added another course related to it. The 2025 virtual course “Beyond Digging Deeper: Sources, Methods, and Practices” looks at additional records, adds some pre-requirements, and provides sessions showing the research process and how to use some tools. In-class activities will allow students to put the information to immediate use. Full details at including a short interview of me.

The Spirit of the Inland Seas: Research in the Great Lakes Region

Another virtual course that same week headed by Cari Taplin, CG.  I am an instructor in three sessions in that virtual week.


July 1, 2025. Morning Webinar. 10:00 a.m. EDT. Manatee Genealogical Society of Manatee County, Florida. My topic is “The U.S. National Archives: The Nation’s Attic.” Open registration.

July 17, 2025. Evening Webinar. Lake County Genealogical Society and Cook Memorial Library (Illinois). My presentation and handout are on “The U.S. Federal Government: Underutilized Research Resources.”

August 8-9, 2025. Two-day Institute in Minnesota. Details TBA.

September 11, 2025. Evening Webinar 6:00 p.m. EDT, 5:00 p.m CDT. Virginia Beach Genealogical Society of Virginia Beach, Virginia. My presentation and handout cover “Tho They Were Poor, They May Have Been Rich in Records.”

September – October 2025 presentations as part of a daytime weekly Institute course. Details TBA.

2025 Completed Speaking Calendar

January 18, 2025. Saturday morning. Peoria Public Library of Illinois. A FREE half-day seminar “Tracing Family History on the Tracks” with two virtual presentations for the library. My two presentations and an extensive syllabus cover these topics with many updates and material that relates to Illinois and beyond.
 Railroad Records and Railroad History: Methods for Tracking and
 Online & On Track: Railroad Records, Indexes, and Finding Aids on the Internet

February 1, 2025. Saturday. Two Free Hybrid Webinars. Orange County California Genealogical Society, 10:00 a.m. PST, Noon CST. On this return visit with the OGCGS, I will be presenting “Family History Details Hiding in Old Historical and Genealogical Periodicals” and “Did your Ancestors Join Ethnic Organizations? Locating Some Excellent Records.” Each is accompanied by a handout.


2024 Past Speaking Calendar

January 22-26, 2024. Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy (SLIG). Virtual Course 8: Researching Along the Northern Plains. I am one of the instructors in this course. My topic will be presented over two sessions: “Native Americans of the Northern Plains: Repositories, Records, and Connections.” The records include many non-Natives.

March 15-16, 2024. Two-day virtual conference, North Carolina Genealogical Society. My presentation is “Finding and Using Manuscripts, Special Collections, and Repositories.” It and the syllabus material provide some general tips and also some North Carolina surprises.

March 16, 2024. Saturday afternoon webinar. Ventura County Genealogical Society of California. My presentation and handout will be “Railroad Records and Railroad History: Methods for Tracking” with a section covering more on the rails in the western U.S. Learn about employee records, rail history, books, websites, and more.

March 23, 2024. Saturday afternoon webinar 1:30 EDT, 12:30 CDT. Suncoast Genealogy Society of Palm Harbor, Florida. My presentation will be “The U.S. National Archives: The Nations Attic” accompanied by a handout.

April 4, 2024. Evening Banquet Speaker. Sioux Valley Genealogical Society (Sioux Falls, South Dakota). For details on the banquet and my virtual presentation, click on the SVGS name. My presentation will be “Online and on Track: Railroad Records, Indexes and Finding Aids on the Internet.”

April 6, 2024. Saturday morning webinar. Saturday 10:00 a.m. PDT, Noon CDT. Yamhill County Genealogical Society (Oregon) My presentation is “Controlling Chaos: Organizing Your Genealogy Materials” and it is accompanied by a handout.

April 18, 2024. Saturday afternoon Anniversary Celebration for the St. Croix Valley Genealogical Society, River Falls, Wisconsin. 1:00 p.m. CDT. This is a celebration for members. Bring your questions for me as I am again doing a Q&A session for this group.

May 18, 2024. Saturday morning webinar. South King County Genealogical Society. My presentation is “Superb Seven: Fabulous Avenues for Finding Family in Manuscript Collections” which is accompanied by a handout. 10:00 a.m. PDT, Noon CDT.

May 28, 2024. Tuesday evening Live Online event. 8;00 p.m. EDT, 7:00 CDT, 6:00 MDT, and 5:00 PDT. Genealogy Quick Start TV. The live broadcast is over but it can still be viewed at

May 21, 2024. Tuesday evening webinar. Wisconsin State Genealogical Society. My presentation and handout are about “Ten Reasons Why History Resources Solve Our Genealogical Puzzles.” 7:00 p.m. CDT, 5:00 p.m. PDT.

April 19, 2024. Friday afternoon webinar. Houston Public Library’s Family History Research Center at the Clayton Library Campus My presentation is “The WPA Era: Free Records Boon from the Government” which is accompanied by a handout.

May 11, 2024. Saturday morning webinar. Waupaca Area Genealogical Society of Waupaca, Wisconsin. My presentation and accompanying handout will cover in-depth “So You Think You Know All About City Directories?”

June 23-28, 2024. Weeklong Virtual Courses. GRIP Genealogy Institute. I will be participating in three courses. Some “seats” are still open for Digging Deeper and Migrations. Farmers is full. More course details session by session is online at

  • Digging Deeper: Records, Tools, and Skills (Coordinator and instructor)
  • Not Just Farmers: Records, Relationships, and the Reality of Their Lives (Instructor)
  • Midwest Family History Research: Migrations and Sources (Instructor)

August 17, 2024. Saturday morning webinar. Irish Genealogical Society International. My presentation and accompanying handout will be on “Railroad Records and Railroad History: Methods for Tracking.” It will include general U.S. railroad record searching on employees, history, and websites with some parts directed toward Irish workers

September-November dates disappeared from this page!

August 28, 2024. Wednesday morning webinar. The Villages Genealogical Society of Florida. “What’s Next? Developing Step By Step Research Plans” is my presentation and it is accompanied by a handout. Portions of the presentation are interactive.

September-November dates disappeared from my speaking calendar!

.December 12, 2024 Thursday Daytime Hybrid Webinar. 1:00 EST, Noon CST. Main Line Genealogy Club (Pennsyvania). My presentation “The Neighbors Knew: Strategies for Finding YOUR Ancestral Details in THEIR Records.”

2023 Past Speaking Calendar

January 7, 2023. Free morning webinar Northwest Suburban Genealogy Society. [Illinois] 10:00 a.m. CST. My presentation and handout “The U. S. National Archives: The Nation’s Attic.

January 12, 2023. Free Evening webinar. McHenry County Illinois Genealogical Society. 7:00 p.m. CST. My presentation and handout cover “Genealogical Goldmine: The Records of Old Settlers Organizations.”

January 28, 2023. Free virtual half-day Seminar Genealogical Society of Palm Beach County [Florida], Saturday, 10:00 a.m. EST, 9:00 a.m. CST. I will be doing two presentations accompanied by handouts. Registrants limited to 100.

The U. S. National Archives: The Nation’s Attic”
“Newspaper Research: The Dailies, Weeklies, and Beyond

March 4, 11, 18, 25, 2023. Saturday afternoons Virtual Course. 1:00-2:30 p.m. Central Time.
Family History Research: How to Successfully Start—or Restart.” A 4-week online US. based course led by Paula Stuart-Warren, CG ®, FMGS, FUGA. Sponsored by the Clayton Library Friends in Support of the Houston Public Library Center for Family History Research Center at the Clayton Library Campus. Full details and session overviews are on the Clayton Library Friends website. The registration fee includes the extensive handout for each week plus some great bonus sessions. Course seats are now filled.

April 12, 2023. Free evening Webinar. McHenry Public Library District, McHenry, Illinois. 7:00-8:30 p.m. CDT. I will be presenting “Online & On Track: Railroad Records, Indexes, and Finding Aids on the Internet” accompanied by a handout.

April 20, 2023. Member Only Webinar St. Croix Valley Genealogical Society. Thursday, 7:00 p.m. CDT. I will be presenting “The Farmer in the Dell . . . and in Many U.S. Records.” accompanied by an extensive handout.

April 22, 2023. Half-day virtual seminar. Bay Area Genealogical Society of Green Bay, Wisconsin. 9:00-11:30 a.m. CDT. My presentations “Tho’ They were Poor” and “Where are the Records They told me to Check?” include handouts.

March 31, 2023. Free evening webinar. Douglas County Genealogical Club of Superior, Wisconsin is holding a lock-in at the Douglas County Historical Society. I will be presenting “Deeds: More than Land” accompanied by a handout. 5:30 p.m. CDT

April 1, 2023. Virtual Heritage from the Heartland, Eastern Washington Genealogical Society. I will be presenting “Minnesota Genealogical Research: Exceptional Resource” accompanied by a handout. 9:30-10:30 a.m. PDT and that means 11:30 a.m. for me in the CDT zone. Followed by other presentations on Ohio and Iowa.

March 14, 2023. Tuesday morning webinar. Citrus County Genealogical Society (Florida) 10:00 a.m. EDT, 9:00 a.m. DST. My presentation and handout cover “County and State Archives: What Have You Been Missing

March 25, 2023. Virtual Half-Day Seminar, Suncoast Genealogy Society of Palm Harbor, Florida. Saturday. 1:00 EDT, Noon CDT. Registration: My presentation and handout is is “Finding Maiden Names: Let Me Count the Ways,” Cari Taplin, CG, will present “From Deeds to Dirt: Case Studies in Analyzing Research with Maps.

June, 2023
: Coordinated and created and taught eleven sessions in the Genealogical Research Institute of Pittsburgh (GRIP) Course “Digging Deeper: Records, Tools, and Skills.”

June, 2023: Created and taught three sessions in the GRIP course “The Spirit of the Inland Seas: Research in the Great Lakes Region.”

August 5, 2023. Two Free Saturday webinars. Orange County California Genealogical Society I will be presenting “The WPA Era: Free Records Boon from the Government” and “Tho’ They Were Poor, They May Have Been Rich in Records” and each is accompanied by a handout.

August 5-12. Pennsylvania’s Genealogy Event (PaGE), Pennsylvania Genealogical Society. A virtual event with a wide variety of speakers. My parts:

  • “The WPA in PA: What it Created for Genealogists” an on-demand presentation with a handout.
  • Live Q&A on the WPA in PA: August 9, Wednesday, 3:00-3:30 EDT. Bring your questions, comments, and what you can add to the conversation and presentation.

August 8, 2023. Evening webinar. Champaign County Genealogical Society of Illinois. I will be presenting “Railroad Records and Railroad History: Methods for Tracking.” This one has an extensive handout with books, websites, and many suggestions for locating railroad records online and in repositories.

August 18-19, 2023. Two-day in-person institute. Midwest Genealogy Foundations: Migration and Settlement, sponsored by the Minnesota Genealogical Society. I am an instructor presenting two sessions on “Midwest Archives and Repositories” and “Railroad Records and History.” Jay Fonkert is the course coordinator and an instructor. We are joined by Elizabeth Gomoll and Tom Rice. More details and registration NOTE: Class is filled. A waiting list is being kept by MGS.

September 15, 2023. Free Friday Webinar. Legacy Family Tree Webinars WEBTEMBER. 10:30 a.m. CDT, 11:30 EDT. “So, You Think You Know All About City Directories?Register here. Members have access to the 6-page handout.

September 21, 2023. Thursday Evening Online presentation, Dakota County Historical Society. 7:00 p.m. CDT. “The WPA Era: Free Records Boon from the Government” includes a handout with more details and info on books and free online material. Registration fee includes the 6-page handout.

September 29, 2023. Evening Webinar. Bay Area Genealogical Society, Houston, Texas. 7:00 p.m. CDT. I will be presenting “Finding Maiden Names: Let Me Count the Ways” accompanied by a handout.

October 5, 2023. Virtual Evening Presentation. Dakota County Historical Society. 7:00 p.m. CDT. My topic is “Twentieth and Twenty-First Century Research” and includes a handout with more details and info on books and free online material.

October 7, 2023. Saturday full-day Virtual Conference. Genealogical Research Institute of Virginia. I will be presenting four topics and each is accompanied by a handout.

“Controlling Chaos: Organizing Your Genealogical Materials”

“Finding Ancestral Places of Origin: Where Did They Come From?”

“Newspaper Research: The Dailies, Weeklies, and Beyond”

“Stuck? Have You Tried . . .? Have Your Overlooked . . .?”

October 14, 2023. Arkansas Genealogical Society Conference. All-day free virtual Saturday seminar with handouts. I am doing two presentations in the afternoon:

  • Tho’ They Were Poor, They May Have Been Rich in Records
  • The U.S. National Archives: The Nations Attic

October 18, 2023. Afternoon Private Presentation 1:00 p.m. for a Condominium Community.

November 4, 2023. Free Saturday Webinar. Genealogical Society of Sarasota, Florida. I will be presenting “Finding and Using Manuscript and Special Collections Repositories” accompanied by a handout.

November 16, 2023. Thursday Evening Webinar Muskogee County Genealogical Society, Muskogee, Oklahoma. 6:00 p.m. CST. I will be presenting “Railroad Records and Railroad History: Methods for Tracking” accompanied by a handout. Co-sponsored by the Tulsa Genealogical Society.

December 1, 2023. Evening virtual presentation for the Texas State Genealogical Society‘s Annual Meeting.

2022 Past Speaking Calendar

January 11, 2022. Free Webinar. Tacoma-Pierce County Genealogical Society [Washington] Tuesday Evening. I will be presenting “The Art of Successful Genealogical Research Trips.

March 24, 2022. Free Webinars (see Part 2 on April 28) Fort Myers Regional Library [Florida]. Thursday, 10:00-11:15 a.m. EDT, 9:00-10:15 CDT. “Researching Native American Ancestors” This 2-part seminar will cover the basic methods and sources available for research. The discussion will include the most useful record types both print and online, the importance of historical context, and where these materials can be located in major repositories and online databases. (Part 2 is April 28th.)

April 14, 2022. Free Webinar Eastside Genealogical Society, Bellevue, Washington. Thursday, 7:00 p.m. PDT, 9:00 CDT. “Southern Deeds: More than Land” which shows that deeds contain more information than you ever imagined. It’s not only Southern Deeds, either!

April 19, 2022. Free Webinar Wisconsin State Genealogical Society, Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. CDT. I will be presenting “Did Your Ancestors Join Ethnic Organizations? Finding the Excellent Records” accompanied by an extensive handout.

April 21, 2022. Member Only Webinar St. Croix Valley Genealogical Society. Thursday, 7:00 p.m. CDT. I will be presenting “Research at the Wisconsin Historical Society: It’s Not Just Wisconsin!” accompanied by an extensive handout.

April 23, 2022. Minnesota Genealogical Society Spring Conference. Saturday. I will be presenting “The Changing World of Genealogy: Things Past, Present, and Future.” 

April 28, 2022. Free Webinar on Thursday morning. “Researching Native American Ancestors, Part 2.” I will be presenting “Researching Native American Ancestors” This 2-part seminar will cover the basic methods and sources available for research. The discussion will include the most useful record types both print and online, the importance of historical context, and where these materials can be located in major repositories and online databases. This is being offered by the Fort Myers Regional Library of the Lee County [FL] Library System.

May 3, 2022. Evening Webinar. Boulder Genealogical Society [Colorado] Tuesday evening, 7:00 p.m. MDT, 8:00 CDT. I will be presenting “The WPA Era: A Free Boon for Research.” Limited to 100 registrants.

April 2, 2022. Virtual all-day seminar on Saturday. Click to register: Mid-Atlantic Germanic Society Virtual Spring Conference and my four presentations are:

o   The U.S. Federal Government: Underutilized Research Resources

o   World War I Era U.S. Alien Registrations [Mainly German]

o   They Joined, They Associated: Finding Records of Germanic Organizations and Other Collections

o  German Research Gems: Back Issues of Historical and Genealogical Periodicals

April 6, 2022. Free Webinar Boston Public Library [Massachusetts], 6:00 p.m. EDT, 5:00 CDT. I will be presenting “Sources and Methods for Researching Native American Ancestors” accompanied by an extensive handout.

May 14, 2022. Member Webinar Fellowship of Rotarian Genealogists. I will be presenting “The Art of Successful Genealogical Research Trips.” 1:30p.m. CDT and 7:30 p.m. in London.

June 8, 2022. Member Webinar, Genealogical Society of South Brevard [Florida] Wednesday, 10:00 a.m. EDT. I will be presenting “The WPA Era: What It Created for Genealogists.”

June 19-24, 2022. Genealogical Research Institute of Pittsburgh. I am an instructor in the course “Following Your Ancestors in Time and Place.” It’s a 5-day course. A couple seats remain open! for full details

July 2, 2022. 2 Free Webinars. Orange County California Genealogical Society. Saturday morning 10:00 -12:30 PDT (Noon-2:30 CDT). My two presentations and accompanying handouts:

“Seeking Your Comfort Zone as You Approach Different Repositories”

“Deeds: More Details than Land”

July 9, 2022. McHenry County Illinois Genealogical Society Saturday Virtual Summer Conference. Click on the society’s name for registration details.

I am one of the four speakers for this virtual conference. I will be presenting:

  1. Finding Maiden Names: Let Me Count the Ways
  2. Railroad Records and Railroad history: Methods for Tracking
  3. The Art of Successful Genealogical Research Trips
  4. New York State Research: The Changing Face of the Modern Era

July-September 2022. Virtual Celtic Connections Conference. A variety of speakers from several countries with pre-recorded presentations and a large syllabus. Presentations will be available online through September 30, 2022. Added bonus will be Live Chats with speakers. My presentation: “Celtic Worker Immigrations: U.S. Records and History.” It’s about workers encouraged to migrate to the U.S., the companies that did this, records that exist, and how to find any of those records and the records of the workers.

July 10-15, 2022. Genealogical Research Institute of Pittsburgh. I am the Coordinator and an instructor in the course “Digging Deeper: Records, Tools, and Skills.” It’s a 5-day course filled with instruction, an extensive syllabus, hands-on work, problem solving, and discussion. Full course details

September 14, 2022. Legacy Family Tree Webinars. Free on Wednesday, 8: 00 p.m. EDT, 7:00 p.m. CDT. I will be presenting “Michigan: An Upper Midwest Researchers Dream” accompanied by an extensive handout.

October 4, 2022. Free webinar. Clayton Library Center for Genealogical Research, Houston, Texas. 2:00 p.m. CDT. My presentation and handout “Researching Midwestern River People.” It really applies to research on all river connected people, captain, dock workers, storekeepers, engineers, and their families.

October 17, 2022. Kansas City Kansas Public Library. Free Webinar Monday evening, 7:00-8:15 p.m. CDT. My presentation and a handout “A Bakers Dozen: Easy Ways to Begin Writing Your Family History.

October 18, 2022. Free webinar. Clayton Library Center for Genealogical Research, Houston, Texas. 2:00 p.m. CDT. My presentation and a handout: “Railroad Records and Railroad History: Methods for Tracking.

October 23, 2022. Afternoon Webinar, The Genealogical Society of Washtenaw County, Michigan. 3:15 p.m. EDT 2:. My presentation and handout on “Michigan: An Upper Midwest Researcher’s Dream.”

November 5, 2022. Virtual All-day Workshop. Kenton County Public Library, Kentucky. 10:15 EDT, 9:15 CDT. I will be presenting the following topics with accompanying handouts with additional details. Registration opens October 1st.

  • Stuck? Have Your Tried…? Have You Overlooked…?
  • The Farmer in the Dell … and in Many U.S. Records
  • Online & On Track: Railroad Records, Indexes, and Finding Aids on the Internet
  • Researching Midwestern River People
  • A Wrap-Up Question and Answer Session to Follow

November 9, 2022. 2-hour free webinar, Downers Grove Public Library, Illinois, and its partners, Fountaindale Public Library District, Indian Prairie Public Library, and Naperville Public Library.  Wednesday evening. 6:30-8:30 p.m. My 2-hour presentation and handout “Sources and Methods for Researching Native American Ancestors.”

November 10, 2022. Zoom Webinar, Olmsted County Genealogical Society, Rochester, Minnesota. Thursday, 7:00 p.m. CST. My presentation and a handout will be “Sources and Methods for Researching Native American Ancestors.”

November 12, 2022. 2-hour free webinar Appleton Public Library, Appleton, Wisconsin. Saturday, 2:00 p.m. CST. My 2-hour presentation and handout: “Sources and Methods for Researching Native American Ancestors.”

November 21, 2022. Kansas City Kansas Public Library. Free Webinar Monday evening, 7:00-8:15 p.m. CST. My 1-hour presentation and a handout “Sources and Methods for Researching Native American Ancestors.”

2021 Past Speaking Calendar

January 10-15, 2021 Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy. Virtual Courses! I will be presenting three sessions in the course “From Sea to Shining Sea: Researching Our Ancestors’ Migrations in America” Registration opened on August 8, 2021.

January 11, 2021 Elizabeth Forey Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution Tacoma, WA. I will be virtually presenting “Preserving Family History and Stories from the Pandemic

February 15, 2021 North Hills Genealogists, Pittsburgh, PA, Webinar 7 p.m. EST. 8 p.m CST. I will be presenting: “Finding and Using Manuscript and Special Collections Repositories “

February 16, 2021 Wisconsin State Genealogical Society, Madison, WI. Webinar. 7 p.m. CST. “NUCMC and Its Cousins: Key to Lost Ancestral Records.”

March 8, 2021 Central Georgia Genealogical Society, Warner Robins, GA. Webinar, Monday. 6:00 p.m. CST. “Sources and Methods for Researching Native American Ancestors.” Extensive handout.

March 14, 2021, Monmouth County Genealogy Society, Lincroft, New Jersey. Webinar, Sunday, 1:00 EDT.  “Finding Maiden Names – Let Me Count The Ways.” Extensive handout.

March 27, 2021. Minnesota Genealogical Society, Webinar. Saturday, 10:00 a.m. CDT. “Deeds: More Than Just Land Transactions.” Please note date change to the 27th. Extensive handout.

April 8-10 2021. Friday, April 9, 5:00 p.m. CDT. Legacy Family Tree Webinars. Superb Seven: Fabulous Avenues for Finding Family in Manuscript Collections as part of a weekend of special webinars for Legacy. Presentation includes a detailed handout for members of Legacy Family Tree Webinars.

April 15, 2021. St. Croix Valley Genealogical Society, River Falls, Wisconsin. Member Webinar 7:00 p.m. CDT. “The U.S. National Archives: The Nation’s Attic.”

May 14, 2021. The Irish Ancestral Research Association (TIARA) member Webinar.
My topic: “The WPA Era: A Free Boon for Research.”

June 20-25, 2021. Genealogical Research Institute of Pittsburgh. I am an instructor in the Great Lakes course and the Coordinator and an instructor in the Digging Deeper course. Both are 5 day courses. Registration opens on Wednesday, February 17, 2021, Learn more important details before that day:

Research in the Great Lakes Region with Cari Taplin, CG

Digging Deeper: Records, Tools, and Skills with Paula Stuart-Warren, CG

July 17-24, 2021. International German Genealogy Conference. A virtual conference. Speakers from the U.S., Germany, Poland, and Brazil. My presentation is “World War I U.S. Alien Registrations: History and Extant Records.” This is a greatly expanded presentation and syllabus material from the first IGGP Conference in 2017.

August 24, 2021. North San Diego County Genealogical Society Webinar. Tuesday, 10:00 a.m. PDT, Noon CDT. “Controlling Chaos: Organizing Your Genealogical Materials”

September 14, 2021. Citrus County Genealogical Society, Florida. Webinar, Tuesday 10:00 a.m. EDT, 9:00 a.m. CDT.

My topic: “Lord Preserve Us! Using Church Records in Family History Research”

September 15, 2021. Goodhue County Historical Society, Red Wing, Minnesota. Webinar, Wednesday, Noon-1:00 CDT.
My topic: “Research Rewards in County Courthouses and Town Hall Records

September 18, 2021. Minnesota Genealogical Society class. Saturday 10:00 a.m. CDT. “Hidden Research Gems: Back Issues of U.S. Genealogical and Historical Periodicals.

September 23, 2021. Dakota County Historical Society, South St. Paul, Minnesota. Webinar, Thursday, 7:00-8:30 p.m. CDT. My topic: “Native American Research.

October 1-2, 2021. Minnesota Genealogical Society North Star Conference. Virtual presentations. The conference will consist of 21 breakout sessions “Discover the Records of Old Settler and Pioneer Organizations” and “City & Rural Directories: How, When, Contents, and Where to Find Them.”

October 13, 2021. Evening webinar. Pikes Peak Genealogical Society. Anyone may register at

My topic: “The WPA Era: Free Records Boon from the Government” at 6:30 p.m. MT, and 7:30 CT.

October 28, 2021. Dakota County Historical Society, South St. Paul, Minnesota. Webinar. 7:00-8:30 p.m. My topic: “French Canadian Genealogical Research.”

November 2021, Wilson-Cobb History & Genealogy Research Library, Roswell, New Mexico. I am the speaker for their annual all-day workshop. Postponed.

2020 Past Speaking Calendar

  • March 12, 2020 Hudson, Wisconsin
    Hudson Area Public Library Genealogy Presentation at 10:30 a.m. I will be presenting “Farmer in the Dell . . . and in Many U.S. Records” accompanied by a handout.
  • March 14, 2020 Red Wing, Minnesota CANCELLED due to the pandemic
    Goodhue County Historical Society and Red Wing Community Education, 1:00 p.m. 
  • March 19, 2020 South St. Paul, Minnesota now virtual. See May 5.
    Dakota County Historical Society Lawshe Memorial Museum 7:00 p.m. I will be presenting “Researching Midwestern River People.”
  • April 29 — May 2, 2020, Sandusky, Ohio Cancelled due to the pandemic
    Ohio Genealogical Society 2020 Conference, Unlocking the Pieces
  • May 4, 2020, Virtual Genealogy: Researching Midwestern River People
  • “Researching Midwestern River People” on behalf of the Dakota County [MN] Historical Society and the South St. Paul Public Library
  • May 12, 2020 Virtual Q & A session 7:00 p.m. Online
    Minnesota Genealogical Society ASK MGS. Genealogy Q&A
  • June 6, 2020 Orange County Genealogical Society Webinar
    10:00 – 10:55 PT: Your Anytime Library: Success in the Virtual Stacks
    11:15 – 12:10 PT: Finding Maiden Names: Let Me Count the Ways
  • June 25, 2020 Dane County Area [WI] Genealogical Society Webinar for members. 7:00 p.m. CDT: Preserving Family History and Stories from the Pandemic
  • July 8, 2020 Genealogical Research Institute of Pittsburgh ONLINE
    Teaching four migration related sessions in the course Following Your Ancestors in Time and Place.
  • July 11, 2020 Crystal Lake, Illinois Postponed till summer 2022; Crystal Lake already has the 2021 seminar planned. See you live in 2022! McHenry County Illinois Genealogical Society Conference in Northern Illinois. As one of four speakers, I will be presenting four sessions: The Art of Successful Genealogical Research Trips, Finding Maiden Names: Let Me Count the Ways, New York State Research: The Changing Face of the Modern Era, and Research at the Wisconsin Historical Society: It’s Not Just Wisconsin
  • July 19-24, 2020 Genealogical Research Institute of Pittsburgh NOW ONLINE INSTRUCTION Now going virtual on the same dates! The Genealogical Research Institute of Pittsburgh (GRIP) is a premier week-long educational opportunity. GRIP is offered three times in 2020. 2020 is the ninth year for GRIP and the ninth year I am coordinating and instructing in my course Digging Deeper: Records, Tools, and Skills. I am accompanied by three other excellent instructors: Carla Cegielski, MS, Karen Mauer Jones, CG, FGBS, FUGA, and Debbie Mieszala, CG. Full details on the course sessions, extra brick-wall busting sessions, and qualifications for enjoying the course are on the GRIP website. The course is accompanied by an extensive syllabus. Registration has begun but we still have openings for more students in this course. UPDATE: Course is filled to capacity.
  • August 10, 2020. Hiawatha Valley Genealogical Society, Red Wing, Minnesota. Member webinar: “Your Anytime Library: Success in the Virtual Stacks.” Visit the society’s Facebook page.
  • August 13, 2020 Hudson, Wisconsin Library has cancelled due to the Pandemic
    Hudson Area Public Library, 10:30 a.m. I will be presenting “After Military Service: Records of Bonuses, Pensions, Relief, and Other “Benefits'” which is accompanied by a handout.

  • September 2-5, 2020 Kansas City, MissouriGOING VIRTUAL!
    Federation of Genealogical Societies Last Annual Conference, Blazing Trails in the Heart of America. A great lineup of speakers. I will be presenting:
    • What Organizations Did Your Ancestors Join?
    • Memories: Compiling a Genealogical Society Anniversary Booklet
    • DNA Done? Now Find Those 20th & 21st Century Relative Connections
    • Researching Midwestern & Plains States Native American Connections
  • September 16, 2020. The Villages Genealogical Society Florida Member Webinars
    • Lord Preserve Us! Church Records for Family History Research
    • Preserving Family History Experiences and Stories from the Pandemic
  • October 2-3, 2020 Iowa Genealogical Society Fall Conference and it will now be virtual. I will be presenting these  lectures over the two day event:
    The Farmer in the Dell  . . . and in Many U.S. RecordsRailroad Records and Railroad History: Methods for Tracking
    Finding Maiden Names: Let Me Count the Ways
    Research Nugget in the Midwest: The Allen County Public Library
    The U.S. National Archives: The Nation’s Attic
    Midwestern and Plains States State Level Census Records
  • October 5, 2020 Hiawatha Valley Genealogical Society, Red Wing, Minnesota. Member webinar: “Preserving Family History Experiences and Stories from the Pandemic.”  Please visit their Facebook page.
  • October 8-10, 2020 Minnesota Genealogical Society North Star Conference Going Virtual! I will be presenting two sessions.
    Bountiful and Unique Minnesota Research Resources
    DNA Results Ready? Locate 20th and 21st Century Ancestors and Relatives

2019 Past Speaking Calendar

  • January 13-18, 2019, Salt Lake City, Utah
    Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy. Course 8 Native American Research. I am presenting three sessions in this new course.
  • January 19, 2019, Jackson, Mississippi
    Mississippi Genealogical Society, All-day seminar
  • February 11-17, 2019, Online Course
    Courthouse Research Crash Course. Learn at your leisure, interact with students, ask me questions. Sign up at Family Tree University today!
  • February 16, 2019, Saint Paul, Minnesota
    Minnesota Historical Society “Preserve & Organize Your Family History Conference. ” Keynote Presentation on writing family history at this all-day event. SOLD OUT
  • March 16, 2019, Brainerd, Minnesota
    Brainerd Public Library
    10:00-12:15: “Your Family History: Where to Begin?
    1:30-2:20: “Controlling Chaos: Organizing Your Genealogy Materials”
  • March 30, 2019, Red Wing, Minnesota
    Goodhue County Historical Society
    1:00-3:00 “Easier Than You Think: Researching and Compiling Family History”
  • April 8, 2019, Red Wing, Minnesota
    Goodhue County Historical Society
    I will be providing individual genealogy consultations 1:00-6:00. Bring  your questions, family info, documents, etc. and we will discuss ideas to further your research. Sign-up is required and first choices go to those attending the March 30th presentation listed above.
  • May 1-4, 2019, Mason, Ohio [Cincinnati area]
    Ohio Genealogical Society 2019 Conference. I am presenting three sessions and the lineup of other speakers is extensive.
  • May 21, 2019, Owatonna, Minnesota
    Noon presentation at the Steele County Historical Society
    ” The Farmer in the Dell . . . and in Many U.S. Records”
  • May 30-June 2, 2019, Burbank, California
    SCGS 50th Anniversary Jamboree. Many great speakers. I am doing a 2 hour workshop and 2 other presentations.
  • June 13, 2019, Hudson, Wisconsin
    Hudson Public Library 10:30 Free Lecture and Handout: “Major Midwestern Archives and Their Records”
  • July 14-19, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
    Genealogical Research Institute of Pittsburgh.  Coordinating and instructing in “Digging Deeper: Records, Tools, and Skills” This is the type of course that is a requirement for many advanced courses at this and other institutes.
  • August 3, 2019 Webinar
    Southern California Genealogical Society Jamboree FREE webinar. “Railroad Records Research in Today’s World.” 1:00 EDT, Noon CDT, 11:00 MDT, and 10:00 a.m. PDT.
  • August 8, 2019 Hudson, Wisconsin
    Public Library, 10:30 a.m. Free lecture and handout: “Genealogy and the Internet”
  • October 4-5, Plymouth, Minnesota [Minneapolis area]
    Minnesota Genealogical Society Annual North Star Conference and MGS 50th Anniversary Banquet. Extensive list of speakers. I am doing two presentations and am part of a professional genealogists panel.
  • October 10, 2019 Hudson, Wisconsin
    Hudson Public Library 10:30 a.m. Free lecture and handout: “Finding Maiden Names”
  • October 23, 2019, The Villages, Florida
    “Twentieth and Twenty-First Century Research”
    “Major Midwestern Archives and Their Records” for more information on the Villages Genealogical Society and events.
  • October 26, 2019 Minneapolis, Minnesota
    Hennepin County Library, Central Library, Annual Family History Fair. 
  • November 2, 2019 Madison, Wisconsin
    Wisconsin Historical Society all-day seminar “Records, Records, and More Records!” 
  • November 16, 2019, Mendota Heights, Minnesota
    Class at the Minnesota Genealogy Center: Tho’ They Were Poor, They May Have Been Rich in Records
  • November 19, 2019, Webinar
    “Native American Research: Things You May Not Know”
    A FREE Board for Certification of Genealogists presentation on Legacy Family Tree webinars. 8:00 p.m. EST, 7:00 p.m. CST


Paula Stuart-Warren, CG, FMGS, FUGA

500 County Road B West, #103

St. Paul, Minnesota 55113




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