Consultation Services

What is a genealogical consultation?

All consultations are being done virtually via my Zoom subscription. 

That’s an easy one to answer. It’s as simple as hiring a professional genealogist to sit down and give you what ends up being a private class based on your own family. If you are new to genealogy, a consultation can help you get started. If you have already been doing some work, the consultation helps you learn about more sources, where they are found, what else you need to know, and many other things. It’s a time to ask all types of questions and get some answers that are directed specifically to your own research. Providing such consultations is one of my favorite genealogical services.

The client provides information in advance of the consultation so that I can review charts, records, and comments to be better prepared for the actual consultation.  You could scan documents and send them electronically, add to a file in, or send to me via regular mail. Please send only readable copies, not original documents.

A two-hour consultation includes that review, making notes, discussing the review with you, asking questions, and forging ahead with your research needs. At the present time, a basic two-hour consultation fee is $120.

Who do you hire?

  • Someone who has been researching family history for quite a while.
  • Someone who knows about online resources.
  • Someone who knows about and has used the other important resources found in courthouses, archives, libraries, churches, and historical societies.
  • Someone who can review what you already have or have found and help you tailor a research plan — sort of a “to do” list for genealogy shopping.
  • Someone who knows how to evaluate sources for their importance and accuracy.
  • Someone who continues their education in genealogy and history and hasn’t been stagnant in the field.
  • Someone who can look at the broader picture — in other words who knows enough to help you get your ancestors out of the town, county and state you have them in.
  • If you need help only in research in another country, that person needs to have a working familiarity with resources particular to that place.
  • The consultant may be someone with access to a variety of databases that you don’t have.
  • The consultant may know of some obscure indexes, guidebooks, databases or even another professional that may be just what you need for part of your family history work.
  • The professional may be a whiz at things electronic and can help set up your databases, software, and other options.

A consultation usually ends up saving you a lot of money down the road since you will now be better prepared for the continuing research process. And before you ask, yes, I am a genealogical consultant for hire. My area of expertise is the U.S. and Canada. It’s one of the most fascinating aspects of my business. From there you would decide to follow up with more research on your own, with me doing the research, or a combination of both.


Paula Stuart-Warren, CG, FMGS, FUGA
2000 County RD B2 West, #130231
St. Paul, Minnesota 55113

2 comments on “Consultation Services

  1. Hello,
    I’m in need of someone that can obtain all necessary documents required to become affiliated within a tribe
    My Grandmother is Native American from New Mexico but has no ancestral documentation, therefore is not recognized. My wish is for her and if possible myself her granddaughter to become affiliated
    I hope you can help
    Thank you

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