Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy, January 12-16, 2009

I have received a couple of questions asking me to explain the Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy (SLIG). An institute is not the same as a seminar or conference which may have multiple individual sessions from which to choose. An institute, such as SLIG, has five (5) full days of learning. Registrants choose one five-day […]

Star of the North Genealogy Conference

Two nationally renowned genealogists will headline the Star of the North Genealogy Conference, September 19-20, at the Minnesota History Center in St. Paul. Minnesota professional genealogist Paula Stuart-Warren will teach a class on finding ancestral places of origin, as well as lecture on tactics for researching Midwestern ancestors with New England roots and easy ways […]

Upcoming appearances

I took the summer off from lecturing and had planned lots of organizational and writing work. Then my son announced his wedding and I moved. So much for the organizing tasks. Now, this fall I am speaking in several states. The September seminars and conferences are: September 3-6, Philadelphia, PennsylvaniaFederation of Genealogical Societies Annual […]

Upcoming Appearances

I am frequently on the road speaking at genealogy events. I will periodically post the dates and the links so you can find more details. My columns for carry the invitation to introduce yourselves to me at these events. Please do that and let me know if you are a reader of my blog. […]