What genealogy events are coming up? Which are virtual? Which aren’t?

Sure you can click on the tab above the says SPEAKING to learn about the upcoming presentations I am doing. I appreciate all of you that attend both the free and fee-based events and gratefully applaud the organizations that invited me. Looking for another topic or speaker? Check out Conference Keeper. The free website has […]

Genealogists and education: never a slow day! Check out Conference Keeper.

I have no clue how anyone researching their family history can ever be bored or not able to learn something new. Classes, courses, seminars, webinars, institutes, and even social media are full of what we need. Someone on a social media site may post that they just attended an excellent presentation on a particular topic. […]

Free all-day genealogy conference from the Arkansas Genealogical Society

On Saturday, October 14, 2023, the Arkansas Genealogical Society (AGS) is offering a full-day conference with one speaker in the morning and another in the afternoon. Two speakers, four topics total, handouts, and to top that off, it’s FREE and via Zoom. Sign up and join us on Saturday. https://argensoc.org/conference/#gsc.tab=0 My morning presentations include examples […]

My October Presentations Update for Family History Month

It’s Family History Month in the U.S. I have updated my speaking calendar to show the 8 topics I am presenting virtually this month. Other than one, anyone can join virtually from anywhere in the world. Some have a fee and others are free. If you attend any virtual presentations, please consider joining that society […]

Genealogists! IGHR has a new Executive Director! You may know this name.

Today’s Press Release is of great interest! Cyndi Ingle has been a long-time friend, both personally and genealogically. IGHR is a long-standing and well-known institute. I attended the excellent virtual course on New York research this past July. The details from the Georgia Genealogical Society: I am delighted to share with you that Cyndi Ingle […]

Extensive syllabus prep: some upcoming genealogical presentations

The last few weeks have been extra busy with syllabus preparation for upcoming presentations. Some of those are listed below. Click on the links or blue organization titles to learn more and to register.  May 31, 2023. Free Webinar. 10:00 a.m. CDT, Noon PDT. Chula Vista Genealogical Society of Chula Vista, California. I will be […]

Minnesota Genealogical Society Midwest Migration Institute

Check your calendars! This coming August right here in the Twin Cities area. Join us for this new course. Registration has opened for MIGRATION TO AND THROUGH THE MIDWEST — a first of its kind two-day institute-style course that will provide education for genealogists and family historians on 18-19 August at the Minnesota Genealogy Center, […]

New virtual genealogy course: “Researching Families of Mexican Descent on Both Sides of the Border”

This June, I am one of the instructors in this brand-new virtual course and am pleased to be among some fantastic people who are also instructors. Coordinated by Colleen Greene, this course features insights into history, records, and understanding of the research processes into these.  Researching Mexican families does involve knowledge of various topics on […]