Kansas City Here I Come: NGS Conference

In the 1950s I used to visit my late aunt’s in-laws. Jeannie’s husband, Jerry, lost his life during the Korean War. His parents, the Muellers, lived in Buckman, Minnesota. The joys of old fashioned living included the outhouse and the water pump. I thought pumping the water was exciting. As we drove to Buckman from St. Paul we used to listen to the radio and I vividly remember singing along to the song “Kansas City” which was first made popular by Fats Domino.

The full lyrics of the song are here. Not all the words apply to me but “I’m goin‘ to Kansas City. Kansas City Here I Come” applies to the National Genealogical Society Conference being held there this May 14-17th. NGS recently added another hotel. The program has some very interesting sessions. Check it out here. This is a very drivable location for Midwesterners. The most important item to tell you about right now is that early registration discounts are gone after March 31st. Book your hotel room today and be sure to register soon to save money. Then you can use that money in the Exhibit Hall!

© 2008, Paula Stuart-Warren. All rights reserved.

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