Illinois opens up birth records to adoptees

Tonight the Chicago Tribune is reporting something that made me smile. Governor Pat Quinn plans to sign into law a measure allowing adoptees to access their original birth records. The signing is planned for Friday, May 21, 2010.

According to the article “The legislation allows anyone adopted before 1946 to get their full birth certificate information by filing a written request with the state adoption registry. Those born after Jan. 1, 1946, could learn the same information if they are over 21 and at least one birth parent has not requested anonymity.”

This will also be helpful to many Minnesota adoptees whose births took place in Illinois, especially in the Chicago area.

Click here for the full story. The cost is $15.00. Click here for a link to the Vital Records section of the Illinois Department of Health.

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1 comments on “Illinois opens up birth records to adoptees

  1. That is great news for adoptees! I can’t wait till the day when Iowa opens up original birth records–that’s where mine is. Even though I know where I came from, it is important to me to have my original birth certificate. Many adoptees are not as fortunate as I am to be able to find the truth and their only source of information is the original adoption records. It’s time to let go of the shame and secrecy! Sandy T.

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