LaCrosse, Wisconsin Library to receive special award

On October 24th, the La Crosse Public Library’s Archives “will receive the 2010 Governor’s Award for Archival Achievement. It recognizes not only the library’s extensive archives but the ways they’ve been made accessible, [Wisconsin] state archivist Peter Gottlieb said.
“A lot of archives are content to wait for people to find them,” Gottlieb said. “What makes Anita’s [Anita Doering] program a natural winner is the initiative to connect what you have with how you can help people. They’re not passive. They really get out there in front of people.”

You may read the full story in the LaCrosseTribune.

Visit the library’s Genealogy section of its website for details on the great holdings. It’s been a while since I researched there, but I remember it was a good place for research. This is also a helpful library if you have Winona, Minnesota family connections.

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