Do any of you have your genealogical society (or maybe more than one) on your Christmas gift list or for end of the year donations?
Does your society have a wish list of books, CDs, databases, or equipment? Add something from that list to your last minute shopping. Have you noticed that no one has been helping with refreshments at the meeting?. Offer to do that for a year. Maybe you could offer to help staff a “Q & A” table at meetings or teach a class.
Has there been a drop in the number of members? Offer to send emails to those with lapsed memberships. Maybe you could offer your technology skills to update the computer that is causing problems or assist with the upkeep of the website.
Might your society benefit from some sort of fundraiser? How about chairing a silent auction in 2011. This means soliciting items for the auction and overseeing things on the day it is held.
You could combine a gift to your society with a New Year’s resolution to get some of your family research into print. Offer to write an article next year for a society publication and use your own research as the topic. It’s a bit of a selfish gift but so worthwhile.
Is your time quite limited due to family, work, and church or school obligations? Any society would appreciate a gift of a check. Whether it is for $25.00, $50.00 or more, it will be put to good use.
© 2010 – 2014, Paula Stuart-Warren. All rights reserved.