Lyfmap: Share Saint Paul memories, history, and photos

Lyfmap is now LIVE and open to the public!

What is this Lyfmap? If you have a connection to Saint Paul, Minnesota take a look at a fantastic new way to preserve memories, history, and photos. Register and add your own. Imagine being able to save all your memories at the actual locations where and when they happened! It uses Google Maps to let you save memories at all the addresses in your life and that of your parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and so on. Share memories and photos of schools, homes, businesses, and events. Pretty cool! Take a look and let me know what you think…

There is also a genealogy blog where you will learn about tracing family history and may ask your own questions about your family history, where to find records, and next steps you should take. I write that blog and appreciate that the Lyfmap founder, Larry Bieza, asked me to be a part of Lyfmap.

I already added a picture to Lyfmap from my mother’s 8th grade class as they graduated in 1940 from St. James School in St. Paul. You might find a relative in that photo. Then I added a photo of the house in which I grew up. It was a house that was just built in 1950 and at the time the photo was taken, the street in front was still dirt! There was just a field north of that house and now it has many houses. That address was 1080 Bowdoin. Do you know where that is located? Type that address in on Lyfmap and then you will know!

Did you notice that I didn’t mention the cost? That’s because there is no cost to you. Let’s preserve our memories, family history, and photographs.

© 2016, Paula Stuart-Warren. All rights reserved.

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2 comments on “Lyfmap: Share Saint Paul memories, history, and photos

  1. Hey Paula,
    I see that you have ‘some kind of a connection’ to What’s up with that? When I joined the page, today, I see your smiling face looking back at me — as a button — which takes me to a blog. How are these two blogs related? Or are they?


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