Free Genealogy Day in Brainerd MN March 16th!

Brainerd Public Library to Hold Annual Genealogy Conference in March

I am returning to the Brainerd Lakes area to present a full day of genealogy and it’s a free day of learning! It’s not at the library this time, but at Arrowwood Lodge in Baxter which has a larger meeting room. Please join me there!

From the library’s press release:

The Brainerd Public Library is holding a day of free genealogy workshops to help family historians with their research methods and finding resources. On Saturday, March 16, at Arrowwood Lodge in Baxter, the library will host professional genealogist Paula Stuart-Warren for two sessions open to all area residents.

A two-hour session titled “Your Family History: Where to Begin?” starts at 10:00 a.m. Stuart-Warren said this session is for those who are curious about their family history and who may or may not have started doing genealogy research. “This workshop is designed to help you learn about researching your family history or update what you have already learned. An extensive handout prepares you for ‘crossing the pond’ to the old country if that is where your family originated. It includes an abundance of useful Internet addresses and details about places to do research. Researching the greater family including the siblings of your great grandparents, all those cousins, aunts and uncles, and even that scoundrel is important. It is never too late or too early to learn more about your family or about the wide variety of records. An added bonus will be a section on DNA testing.”

Beginning at 1:30 p.m., Stuart-Warren presents the workshop “Controlling Chaos: Organizing Your Genealogy Materials.” She said the session is aimed at beginning genealogy researchers as well as those who are more experienced: “Do you have stacks of papers, files, certificates, census copies, and other items around your home? Do you panic when you have to find something or have to use the dining room table for a meal? Can you find what you need in your computer files? You will learn tips for regularly keeping on top of the organizing task, with both paper and software, including tips from some professional genealogists.”

Paula Stuart-Warren, CG℠, FMGS, FUGA, is an internationally recognized genealogical educator, researcher and consultant focusing on unusual resources, manuscripts, methodology, and analyzing records. Her lecturing experience includes the Federation of Genealogical Societies and National Genealogical Society conferences and seminars in many states and Canada. She has served on the Board of Directors of the Federation of Genealogical Societies, the Minnesota Genealogical Society (MGS), and is a former officer of the Association of Professional Genealogists (APG). Her ancestors came to the U.S. from eight ancestral countries.

Those interested may attend one or both sessions. Registration begins at 9:30 a.m. outside the Sands Ballroom on the north end of Arrowwood Lodge Brainerd Lakes.  Attendees may bring their own packed lunch or purchase a meal at the on-site Baxter’s Bar and Grill, where a short pre-order menu will be available. This free Legacy Program is funded in part or in whole with money from the vote of the people of Minnesota on November 4, 2008, which dedicated funding to preserve Minnesota’s arts and cultural heritage. Register by calling the library at 218-829-5574 or visit the library’s Facebook page for more details:

© 2019, Paula Stuart-Warren. All rights reserved.

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