A press release yesterday told (if you read between the lines) that the library, state archives, and microfilm areas of the Minnesota Historical Society remain closed. The presser further stated “MNHS is recalling 64 staff, while making the difficult decision to extend furloughs for 139 staff and to lay off 176 staff, primarily those who work at MNHS historic sites and museums that remain closed. These actions will address strains on the MNHS operating budget as a result of ongoing closures. Critical staff will continue to ensure the security of historic sites and resources.” Those staff layoffs include MHS historic sites around the state.
I have clients eagerly awaiting research that can only be done onsite at MHS. The records will still be there when it eventually reopens and I feel safe researching there, eagerly looking through wonderful dusty old files, and using shared microfilm readers and printers.
© 2020, Paula Stuart-Warren. All rights reserved.