Maps and atlases from the former Minneapolis Municipal Library now at the University of Minnesota

A recent email newsletter from the University of Minnesota tells about acquiring a large map collection. I have toured and researched at the University’s John R. Borchert Map Library and it is an amazing collection. Additionally, the number of maps, atlases, and gazetteers that have been digitized is wonderful. This new collection is exciting!

The new collection is from the former Municipal Information Library that was in the Minneapolis City Hall’s clock tower and it was part of the former Minneapolis Library. The Minneapolis city library locations became part of the Hennepin County Library system and the city hall branch ended. Left behind were the maps and atlases among other records. 

Read Allison Campbell-Jensen’s detailed post about the fascinating process to save, transfer, and now the plans for digitization of this material on the University of Minnesota Libraries post “Rescue Operation.”

Then spend some time investigating the website of the Borchert Map Library. Heavily Minnesota but some for other states and countries. I loved the aerial view of the St. Paul area where I grew up. In 1945 it was pretty empty except for the Ford Plant. 

Maps from the Minneapolis City Hall clock tower

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