May 28 Genealogy Quick Start TV

Join me the evening of May 28, 2024 as a guest on Genealogy Quick Start TV. Free on YouTube and Facebook.

“Welcome to our community. We look forward to interacting live at 8:00 PM ET, every other Tuesday, as we multicast to Facebook and YouTube. Producer and host Shamele Jordon has the pleasure to be joined by internationally known genealogists/authors James M. Beidler and Michael John Neill, aka “Double Trouble”. GENEALOGY QUICK START is a 60-minute TV program providing the steps needed to begin researching your ancestry. We will explore hot topics with professional and everyday people researching family history. We will focus on the fun and creativity involved in uncovering our past. Topics include online research, records, DNA, and much more.

I’ve known Shamele, Jim, and Michael for many years and all because we have been volunteers working on genealogy conferences. Jim and I also served together on the Board of Directors of the Federation of Genealogical Societies. We all love education, giving back to our organizations, and believe in fun, too! Genealogy research is serious, exciting, and brings tears and laughter, sometimes within the same few minutes!

© 2024, Paula Stuart-Warren. All rights reserved.

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