Genealogy research trips and planning trips

Still planning some U.S. summer and fall travel for family history research? A few things to think about:

  • Will the old family town have a festival occurring during your trip. That means many people around who might have some connection to or about your family, a family home, or business. It also means that area hotels might be more expensive even if rooms are available. A courthouse or historical society might have limited hours during the event time span.
  • That county or state historical society where your research is focused may have limited hours. For example, the Minnesota Historical Society (including the state archives) only has research hours three days a week. Thursday, Friday, and Saturday from 10-4 only.
  • Are appointments required or suggested? Many research places strongly suggest making appointments. 
  • Check the website of that courthouse or historical society under all tabs/buttons. You might find a surprise or two including some indexes, other finding aids, and research tips.
  • Hopefully a guided tour or another helpful guide will help you make the most of your time during the research.
  • Planning for three hours or even a day at one place? Might not be enough. You might discover some records that lead to more delving into things you had not planned for previously. That’s good fortune, thought. Maybe two staff people called in sick and that delays some of your work.
  • Taking along a niece, grandson, or your own child? Are there age restrictions at the research site? How will you occupy them if you find fantastic records and clues that keep you busy for extra hours?
  • Check about bringing in your computer, tablet, scanner, camera, or other equipment. How are copies made? What is the cost?
  • Doing as much research online before you go is probably something you already have planned. Add your list of research needs for each place you will visit.
  • Be flexible. That research list may need to change depending on what you find along the way, if a place is closed, or if the weather is not cooperating.
  • Walking the streets of the place where great grandma grew up is special. Entering the old courthouse where grandpa paid his taxes might give you a few good bumps.
  • Enjoy the trips. These are well worth it.
  • Didn’t make the trip or made it but needed more time. Hire a professional genealogist in that area to help with the work. Also well worth it?



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