My Legacy Family Tree Webinars September presentation made the top ten

Part of my work schedule for today is working on updating handouts and PowerPoint slides for a bunch of presentations I am doing in October and November. It’s always enjoyable to share my knowledge with groups around the world, but I am staying in the U.S. for the next several months. While I’m working on these, I hope you’ll allow me a bit of bragging. My Webtember presentation for Legacy Family Tree Webnars, “The Neighbors Knew: Strategies for Finding YOUR Ancestral Details in THEIR Records” made the month’s top ten!

Legacy Webinars is filled with almost 2,300 webinars that you can view from home. Most are free the first time presented. A one-year subscription allows you to watch them at any time and see the almost 9,000 pages of syllabus material. I’d appreciate it if you would use my affiliate link to join the thousands of us who have a membership as we keep learning.




© 2024, Paula Stuart-Warren. All rights reserved.

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