I occasionally post about national and state organizations providing grants to local historical societies, courts, and other concerns in regard to preserving history. The grant might be used to purchase archival shelving, add a new roof, digitize newspapers, prepare finding aids, repair books, or some other vital tasks. Most of my posts result from information I receive in emailed newsletters, blogs, Facebook pages, or other social media. The March 2025 Newsletter from the Library of Virginia is another example of the great things we learn from staff at various historical societies, archives, and university libraries.
In fact, this June I am teaching a session on that value and type of missives and articles from such repositories as part of a virtual course. What an array of amazing information they share. My title is “Mining the Written Words of Repositories, Societies, and their Staff” and is part of my course Beyond Digging Deeper: Sources, Methods, and Practices. For more information on this GRIP Genealogy Institute course https://grip.ngsgenealogy.org/courses/beyond-digging-deeper-sources-methods-and-practices/
Now back to the Library of Virginia newsletter and more than a hundred grants across the commonwealth to professionally conserve records dating back to the 1690s!
Click to access Media_Release_Library_of_Virginia_announces_2025_preservation_grants.pdf
© 2025, Paula Stuart-Warren. All rights reserved.