More grants to preserve historical court records in Virginia

I occasionally post about national and state organizations providing grants to local historical societies, courts, and other concerns in regard to preserving history. The grant might be used to purchase archival shelving, add a new roof, digitize newspapers, prepare finding aids, repair books, or some other vital tasks. Most of my posts result from information […]

Taking care of damaged family history papers and memorabilia

Whether it’s the awful fires in California or elsewhere, blizzards, hurricanes, leaky roof, or house fires, family historians often have losses and damage to family history materials. The links below are helpful websites mentioned by the Society of American Archivists. (SAA). DISASTER RECOVERY RESOURCES Disaster Response and Recovery Guides (FAIC) Records Emergencies Guides (NARA) […]

What’s in your attic or garage? Please donate historical items for safe storage and retrieval

I’ve discussed this in previous posts and also in some recent online discussions. It’s time to post more about safe storage and donations of historical items. My questions and suggestions also apply to an old spinning wheel, trunk, or piece of furniture.  Are you one of the lucky people whose home includes an old bible, […]

Minnesota Historical Society website and preservation

The Minnesota Historical Society’s website has many great features. I have blogged about some of these. Scroll down the right side of this blog to see the index to past posts. One of the important sections is “Preserve Your Family Treasures” which I have found to be quite helpful. The topics discussed are oral histories, […]