special offers this Labor Day weekend

Labor Day weekend in the U.S. means more special prices from online genealogy companies. . Ancestry has announced a sale on 6-month subscriptions, DNA testing, and the new Pro Tools. Check the details Ancestry has been posting on major social media platforms about this. These offers expire on Monday, 3 September 2024.  

$49 DNA test TODAY only April 18

Today only and until 11:59 p.m. ET  Sale ends 18 Apr 2024 at 11:59pm ET. Excludes shipping. Some DNA features may require an Ancestry® subscription. Traits included with active subscription. Next week, we have National DNA Day on April 25th. I’m sure more testing companies will have big sales. Watch their websites (23andMe, Ancestry, FamilyTree DNA, Living […]

Genealogy News for you

Enjoy Free Access to Census Records on MyHeritage. Discover more about the lives of your ancestors this Labor Day with FREE access to all census records on MyHeritage. Search through this treasure trove of 1.3 billion census records for free from September 1 through September 8, 2021. This includes more than U.S. censuses! Minnesota Genealogical Society […]

Genealogy news from great websites

MyHeritage’s collection of birth records includes 115 collections containing a total of 1,144,541,613 individual records from all over the world. Some of the collections contain indexes which help you find out where the birth record is located, while others contain the actual image of the record. Guess what!!! Free access to these through April 24th. Geoff […]

Two Holocaust record collections to be free forever!

Another recent press release really touched me as it makes more Holocaust-related records widely available. I grew up in a neighborhood that had close Catholic, Jewish, and Protestant neighbors. My first babysitting jobs were for Jewish neighbors and my second job outside of babysitting was for a Jewish boss. We had lots of connections in […]

Gratitude for Ancestry and ProQuest: Ancestry Library Edition home access extended!

In case you hadn’t heard yet, I wanted to share this update from several press releases. ProQuest, in cooperation with Ancestry, has extended home access to Ancestry Library Edition.  It’s been expanded to library cardholders working remotely aka from HOME!  NOW remote access will be available until the end of July and will be re-evaluated […]