Roseau County, Minnesota history stories

I’ve blogged about the Minnesota Digital Library before and last week I learned about some additions to it through one of the library emails I receive. It involves the The Roseau County Historical Society and Museum in Northwestern Minnesota, along the border with Canada. “The Minnesota Digital Library (MDL) is pleased to share newly digitized […]

Minnesota Digital Library & Civil War pension correspondence

I recently learned of a new addition to the Minnesota Digital Library (MDL). The Northwest Minnesota History Center at Minnesota State University Moorhead recently contributed the Solomon G. Comstock collection, which includes documents and correspondence “with over 200 Civil War veterans or widows of veterans about their pension claims, from about 1889-1891.” I knew that […]

Minnesota Highway Department photos, maps, and more.

“The Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) recently added 40 books and 272 maps related to Minnesota’s highway history to the Minnesota Digital Library, including planning information, proposed routes, and transcripts from public hearings.” I read that and had to go look at the material. Historical information on maps, highways, interstates, and related things have always […]