My Ancestry DNA pie chart. Irish is the highest group.

I have done DNA testing with and FamilyTreeDNA. These show I am more Irish than anything. That’s not a surprise. I know that these estimates could change as the number of people tested grows. I have a bombed ancestral church, a church that neglected to keep records for a number of years, and some other quirks, so I appreciate these estimates.  My research to this point shows that I am truly a mixture of backgrounds. Of my 16 great great grandparents, only 7 came to the U.S., 2 to Lower Canada, and 1 was born in French Canada and may have come to the U.S. Of course, the research on all of them is ongoing. I want to know more about each individual.

Paternal Great Great Grandparents

These eight ancestors were born in Scotland, Scotland, Germany, Germany, Denmark, Denmark, Sweden, and Sweden

Maternal Great Great Grandparents

These eight ancestors were born in Ireland, Ireland, Ireland, Ireland, Ireland, Ireland, French Canada (definitely French), and the last great great grandmother is 1/2 English and the other half may be German. shows:  (The FTDNA results are in the post above this one)

Ancestry DNA estimate pie chartAncestry DNA list

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