Blogging anniversary: June 2, 2007

Has it really been that long since I composed my first blog post? June 2, 2007! In one way, it’s been longer than that. I have had excellent advisors along the way.

I began the blogging part of my service for the Federation of Genealogical Societies before that. It was a blog that publicized FGS conferences. My friend, Debbie Mieszala from Illinois was my “instructor” on setting up that one using Blogger. She has her own blog, The Advancing Genealogist.

When I began my own blog, it was called Genealogical Eclectica and was on Blogger. Another friend, Avis Calkins, came up with that name. I met Avis back in 1982 at a Minnesota Genealogical Society meeting.

When I decided to transfer my blog to a WordPress format and also use it as my website to promote my genealogy business, Cyndi Ingle of Cyndi’s List fame helped me set it up.

Blogging is not done alone. We need inspiration, helpers, and readers. Than you to all of you!



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