It’s nice to get an extra pat on the back for my job

I love my chosen profession. I work hard, but enjoy what I do. Sometimes, that hard work gets me some nice pats on the back.

From the Washington State Genealogical Society blog about its conference I spoke at a week ago:

“Can’t express enough superlatives about the 2016 WSGS Conference hosted by the Tacoma-Pierce County GS! Kudos to Chair Warren Fisk, Moderator Cyndi Ingle, TPCGS President D Becker and the rest of the Planning Team — you really outdid yourselves! And what about Paula Stuart Warren??!! She was professional, engaging, funny, informative…everything you’d wish for in a keynote speaker. At the end of the day, everyone left armed with inspiration and excitement to find that long-lost ancestor or explore a new resource. If you get another chance to hear Paula at a conference or workshop, don’t miss it — she doesn’t disappoint!”

I blushed a little when I read that. I did enjoy the rest of my time in the Pacific Northwest, too. I had a nice tour of some areas of Tacoma from my host, Cyndi Ingle.

The TPCGS and WSGS volunteers were great. The audience was great, too. Now on to working on PowerPoint slides and syllabus material for my next event, the Genealogical Research Institute of Pittsburgh July 17-22. I do have some seats left in my intermediate course, Intermediate Genealogy: Tools for Digging Deeper.


© 2016, Paula Stuart-Warren. All rights reserved.

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4 comments on “It’s nice to get an extra pat on the back for my job

  1. I couldn’t agree more. Paula, you take competence, confidence, and charm, put it together and wrap it in empathy. You’re simply amazing.

  2. Hear ! Hear ! I never miss an opportunity to attend at least one of Paula’s lecture sessions at the FGS Annual Conference each year.

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