Family History Month continues with 200 of my closest friends and maybe a new relative!

I write this while at the 10th Annual Minnesota Genealogical Society North Star Conference. I was privileged to be a speaker all day yesterday and do the banquet presentation last night. I wasn’t tired, I was high on adrenaline. Mostly because I spent the day with 200+ fellow genealogists and also some other speakers. Interesting questions and comments, a great lunch, yummy banquet, and plain ol’ genealogy immersion kept me on that high.

More specifically, I renewed acquaintances with a woman who attended from Florida, a man who traveled from Arizona, a client I had done work for many years ago, and a woman who hasn’t been at an MGS event for ten years, others from the UP of Michigan, North Dakota, Minnesota, Iowa, and Wisconsin. A long time friend from MGS reacted when I mentioned a specific county in southern Indiana. We need to compare notes!

At the banquet, a woman heard me mention the surname Reinhardt and came up to me after the banquet. My Edward Reinhardt is an enigma. He married Clarinda Copping on 3 November 1835 at St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church in Montreal, Canada. He died sometime between 1941 and December 21, 1847 when she, as a widow, married John Jones.

I told her I didn’t know much about Edward but that I had seen a John Reinhardt that might be connected to him but I hadn’t worked much at this. Guess who she is descended from! We need to do more work.


© 2017, Paula Stuart-Warren. All rights reserved.

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