A week ago, I wrote about the new Minnesota Genealogy Center that houses the Minnesota Genealogical Society, Branches, interest groups, and affiliates. This post shows 3 views of the very first place at 678 West Seventh Street in Saint Paul. As Dixie Hansen, another former MGS Board Member, pointed out in her comment on that post, that street is also known as Fort Road. Why? Because it leads to Fort Snelling that was established in 1820 as Fort Saint Anthony. Dixie also provided a great timeline of the library locations in that same comment.
The images below are from that first library and office location. It had only a few bookshelves donated through the employer of the husband of the late Jean Legried, a MGS Board Member for many years. As you can see the signage was nothing fancy. There are more pictures and I will be donating a posterboard of those pictures to the new location. Your eyes aren’t going bad, these images are not very clear! They look much better on the posterboard.

© 2017, Paula Stuart-Warren. All rights reserved.
What a testament to the dedication and devotion of genealogists/historians in MN! Looking forward to visiting the new location asap!
Thank you, Paula!