Descended from immigrants to the U.S. from 8 other countries

My ancestry is truly a mixture of immigrants. My ancestors came to the U.S. from eight (8!) other countries. I am so honored to be their descendant.

They came to the United States from:

  • Canada
  • Denmark
  • England
  • France
  • Germany
  • Ireland
  • Scotland
  • Sweden

DNA testing has shown that some of their ancestors had roots from other places. I am more Irish than anything and that might upset my English Great Great Great Great Grandfather George Copping. He wasn’t too fond of the Irish immigrants in the area of Rawdon, Quebec, Canada. He was an immigrant himself! Nor did he like the French-Canadian Catholics.  His Granddaughter Margretta Georgina Reinhardt married Arsene Daoust (Sam Dow) one of those French-Canadians!

The real point of this post is to show that my ancestors made the effort to travel to the U.S. and it wasn’t easy. They sought something better or may have been escaping something like the famine in Ireland. I am grateful that they made the choice. I am also grateful that I discovered researching family history. Not only was it my hobby to learn about my own family but I believed in education and standards and it became my occupation.

I love Midwestern research and I love Native American research. That has been a main part of my research work for more than 20 years and I am fortunate to work with my oldest son in that work. We make a special team with our experience in many aspects of Native American research and enrollment issues.  Neither of us has any Native American blood but have come to respect those who do and love our work to help others learn more about their ancestry.

Think a bit about your own ancestral ties. Immigrant ancestors to whatever country they chose or to a country you chose?

© 2018, Paula Stuart-Warren. All rights reserved.

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2 comments on “Descended from immigrants to the U.S. from 8 other countries

  1. Thanks for this, Paula! I can so relate to your comments. I share much of the same ethnic heritage. Finally just located the dates and places of death and burial of two of my immigrant French-Canadians after hunting for them for over 30 years. None of my living relatives knew much about them. The problem was that their surnames had been butchered in many record collections so it was tough to locate them. She was listed under her maiden name and that was misspelled too. Persistence paid off!

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