The Native American Research course at SLIG:

At the annual Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy this January, I was among the instructors in the Native American Research course headed by Rick Fogarty. It was a course that took us all considerable time to pull together for the syllabus,  presentation slides,  and the actual presentation notes. Was the outcome worth the work? It was so worth the time and the interaction with the students was amazing!

I left my sessions in the course feeling euphoric. This group of students knew that there was education available, knew attendance was important, and their contributions in discussions was beyond valuable. Discussions with the other instructors was also beneficial.

So much wrong information about Native American research is found online and in suggestions on social media. The variety of records, approaches, tribes, and repositories is extensive. Consider in-depth learning on this and other subjects if you really want to do extensive research to find your answers.  The learning never stops and it occurs to a special level when done in-person with intensive presentations.

© 2019, Paula Stuart-Warren. All rights reserved.

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3 comments on “The Native American Research course at SLIG:

  1. I think it was wonderful for SLIG to find a way to have these niche courses that may have lower enrollment but are so important to the genealogy study.

    1. Thank you for sharing that, Michelle. It’s difficult to convey how pleased I was on so many levels. All those years of research and deep delving into records across the U.S. needed to be shared. It was good to see you again!

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