“Digging Deeper: Records, Tools, and Skills” Monday Sessions for GRIP Institute

This is the first post about the actual sessions. Next up will be Tuesday’s sessions. Amazingly, that’s the day that follows Monday on my calendar! If I hadn’t been busy meeting an extra details research case deadline this weekend, I should have posted this Monday lineup on Monday!


Student and instructor introductions and tweaking any tech issues.

Analyzing Documents Workshop: Self-Judging Your Expertise  (Paula Stuart-Warren)
Many documents seemingly end up meaning only what is said on the surface. Surprises lurk and a keen evaluation before more research shows that you are an experienced family historian. Are there times you question your analysis of a document? It’s likely you can do better than you give yourself credit for. In these sessions we will analyze some documents together, discuss the contents, and prepare research plans. Then we will break into groups for analysis and research preparation of a different document that evolves into a class project for the week. The result: a solid research plan, recognition of the value of discussion with other genealogists, and the sharing of knowledge to help attain the sought-after research goals. This includes hands-on work.

Analyzing Documents Workshop: Group Projects  (Paula Stuart-Warren)
In this session, the students will break into groups. Each group will do analysis, a research plan, limited research, and preparation for reporting about a document that has evolved into the group homework project for the week. Each group will have the same document and each group stays together during the week to work together on this. Guidance is provided by the instructor. The result: a solid research plan, recognition of the value of discussion with other genealogists, and an opportunity to compare how each group works from the document. . .

© 2024, Paula Stuart-Warren. All rights reserved.

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