Upcoming webinar about developing genealogical Research Plans

This Wednesday, August 28, at 10:00 a.m. EDT, I will be presenting “What’s Next? Developing Step by Step Research Plans.” It is an online event hosted by the The Villages Genealogical Society. I love doing this presentation because it involves the participants, sound advice, and methodology. It shows many reasons why we need the assistance of others to analyze a record, draft the Research Plan, and then ways to put it to work. One vital reminder will make an impression on everyone. https://www.vgsfl.org/eventListings.php?nm=117



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2 comments on “Upcoming webinar about developing genealogical Research Plans

  1. I hope you present this again a little later in the day. 10 AM EDT is a little too early for this west coaster.

  2. Hi,

    Topics are wonderful however it would be nice if we received notices of this nature a week in advance.

    Thank yoju,


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