SCGS Genetic Genealogy 2019 live streaming registration opens

The Southern California Genealogical Society’s annual Jamboree has a special separate part that is devoted to DNA! This year Genetic Genealogy 2019 takes place on 31 May in Burbank. If you can’t make to the DNA day in person, you can sit at home and view it. Of course, I’d rather see you in person […]

Family History Library in Salt Lake City extends hours

A press release this morning tells this great news. “The FamilySearch Family History Library, one of Salt Lake City’s top attractions and the world’s largest genealogy library, will extend its hours of operation beginning Sunday, June 2, 2019. For the first time, the main floor of the library, including the FamilySearch Discovery Experiences, will be open […]

A quality new Facebook group: The Genealogy Squad

What could go right with a Facebook help page that is headed by Blaine Bettinger, Cyndi Ingle, George Morgan, and Drew Smith? Easy answer: EVERYTHING. The stated mission is “The mission of the Genealogy Squad Facebook group is to provide a positive space for the sharing of appropriate and reliable methods and resources to assist […]

MyHeritage FREE access to Danish and Finish records

Do you have ancestors and origins in Denmark or Finland? I have one Danish great grandfather. A nice press release gave some details on free access to records. MyHeritage recently added the 1940 Denmark Census to its historical records database, “making MyHeritage the world’s most comprehensive online resource for Danish historical records.” “To mark this […]

My next two genealogical presentation locations

I have been asked about this several times this week while at the Ohio Genealogical Society annual conference. It’s always a great conference. My next two presentations are in Minnesota and California. May 21: 12:00 Noon, Owatonna, Minnesota, Steele County Historical Society, Brown Bag Session. Bring your lunch! The Farmer in the Dell – and […]

Digitized law books and genealogical education: Join us this summer!

Have you seen the FB posts about Debbie Mieszala’s ongoing blog series about online access to historic laws? She is being lauded for her work of drawing together the many places that we can check for free to learn what was in effect at the time our ancestors lived in that area. Those laws do […]

Rechecking genealogy websites and databases: FamilySearch

In my presentations for genealogical and historical organizations, I talk about the importance of periodically rechecking all the free and subscription websites and databases. New records appear, indexes are added or updated, and bingo you have some new information to investigate. This weeks press release from FamilySearch shows a lot of added indexes names. Checking […]

From a five-story fall to the Irish origins of one woman: genealogical analysis and deep research

If you get a chance now that it’s online at Legacy Family Tree Webinars, be sure to view/listen to the 19 March webinar by Debbie Mieszala titled “The Five-story Fall: Correlating Indirect and Direct Evidence to Extend the Pedigree.” Excellent step-by-step case study of a research process to solve the parentage of a woman who […]