5000 Volunteers Make Minnesota Proud at Fort Snelling National Cemetery

Fort Snelling National Cemetery is the resting place of my parents, parents-in-law, aunts, uncles, and other relatives and friends. This weekend 5000 volunteers placed American flags on each and every gravesite at the cemetery. I thank them for this enormous task. They all placed more than 200,000 flags. I know some genealogists who participated in […]

Follow up information to my 15 May webinar on Developing Good Research Habits

Thank you to my readers who joined me in yesterday’s webinar Developing Good Research Habits for the Board for Certification of Genealogists on Legacy Family Tree webinars.  Several inquiries (and my answers) at the end of my presentation might be of interest to others. I hope I answered everyone who contacted me by email, this […]

9 more reasons to sign up for the GRIP course: Tools for Digging Deeper

As I work on material for this year’s Genealogical Research Institute of Pittsburgh’s week in the Buffalo, New York area, I decided to see what suggestions had been made in the evaluations for the past years of my course.  The course I coordinate, Intermediate Genealogy: Tools for Digging Deeper, did receive some good suggestion which will be […]

GRIP genealogy education this summer! Discounted tuition ends April 30th.

Early bird discount on tuition to the Genealogical Research Institute of Pittsburgh (GRIP) ends in about one week on April 30. Only 2 courses out of 22 have wait lists. All other courses are open for registration for classes held June 25-29 and July 23-27 in Pittsburgh and July 30-Aug 3 in Amherst, NY (Buffalo). […]

April 26 webinar: “. . . Finding Records of Germanic Organizations and Other Collections”

The well-known Germanic Genealogy Society (GGS), a world-wide organization based here in Minnesota, is now offering webinars. The live webinars are open to the public, however, attendance is limited. Be sure to sign into the webinar early. If you are a member of GGS, you have access to the handouts and recorded videos. These are accessible to […]