Wyoming’s Oldest, And Still Active, Railroad Union Predates Statehood By 21 Years

You may have heard one of my genealogy presentations on the value of railroad records, what may exist for your family, and how to find the collections that still exist today. Railroads are one of my favorite topics and some of the details in recoreds are amazing. That’s why this recent article in the Cowboy […]

4 weeks till the start of virtual genealogy course “Digging Deeper: Records, Tools, and Skills.

As I do each year, I have heard from prospective students for the GRIP Genealogy Institute course “Digging Deeper: Records, Tools, and Skills. No, it’s not a basic level course. Yes, even novice genealogists can learn a lot, but if you have a bit more experience, you will become a better researcher and have a boatload […]

NEW Saint Paul, Minnesota newspaper titles on GenealogyBank!

Big news for Minnesota and Saint Paul researchers. Finally, some additional years of the Saint Paul Pioneer Press and Saint Paul Dispatch online. In a future post I will add more on the changing titles of Saint Paul newspapers but for now here’s this recent update from GenealogyBank. Update: check under Minnesota and then Saint […]

GRIP Genealogy Institute Virtual Week is soon. Some seats are still available

Syllabus sections all turned in and from what I have seen, there are a lot of reminders, tips, images, charts, websites, and published material. My PowerPoint presentations are in the fine tuning stage. Still time to join us June 23-28, 2024 for some amazing education, sharing, networking, and some laughter, too. Weeklong Virtual Courses. GRIP Genealogy Institute. I will […]

Old Baltimore love letters with family history found in the wall.

Articles that tell stories like this make me smile at how wonderfu it is for the descendants. They also make me wish for such a discovery for my own family history. The article goes into additional details that tell things the descendants did not know before the letters were found. https://www.thebaltimorebanner.com/culture/lifestyle/historical-baltimore-love-letters-mystery-RKCCYFVDJFF4NHFI4SNRZYYGNM

Free National Archives Genealogy Series

I love press releases like this from a few days ago. I plan to watch some and unfortunately have a couple conflicts on dates. I will later watch them on YouTube. The National Archives channel there already has extensive presentations and short videos. https://www.youtube.com/usnationalarchives National Archives kicks off annual online Genealogy Series for May, June […]

MyHeritage adds NYC vital records and indexes

37.4 million records for New York City. MyHeritage is the only genealogy company that hosts the index for these records with scanned images, even names of witnesses and parents are indexed. I found some entries I need to research more, but am pretty sure where they fit in. You can search the collections here: Search […]