FamilySearch 130 years strong for all family historians
I remember my first visits to the acclaimed FamilySearch Library (formerly called Family History Library) in Salt Lake City. Those were followed by many extended research visits. All three of my adult children have been part of some trips there. Now I need to get back there for some specific things, but in the meantime, I am a fan of all that FamilySearch is placing online for research. I regularly use the FamilySearch Research Wiki. I have attended RootsTech. I even co-wrote a book about the fabulous library, the records, and the city of Salt Lake. Your Guide to the Family History Library: How to Access the World’s Largest Genealogy Resource is now outdated due to all the fantastic changes to the library and the city since it was published in 2001. When compiling the book, we had great cooperation from the library. Here we are in November 2024 and FamilySearch is celebrating 130 years. Any family historian is welcome at the library and on the growing finding aids and digitized material online today. I wonder what the proper gift is for the 130th anniversary?