2024 grants for courthouse safety and security improvements in Minnesota
A variety of Minnesota media outlets are mentioning these 2024 grants. To receive a security and safety grant, the county must apply. Even though this is a great program, I wonder what additional funding each courthouse needs to protect everyone and to make entrances, stairways, storage, and other locations safe for all? I’ve researched at many that were the original courthouse with creaky wooden floors and tricky entrances due to “improvements” over the years. I’ve seen some with a lack of space for the staff to work in. I’ve seen new government centers designed for beauty more than usefulness. My favorites are the older courthouses that still have a feeling of just the place for older records and courtrooms. Yet, they aren’t exactly the best for security, safety, and work space.
(St. Paul, MN) — The Minnesota Judicial Branch is awarding 500-thousand dollars in grants to improve security at 23 county courthouses in the state. The funding can be used to provide security training, install bullet-proof glass at service counters, replace aging security equipment, to reconstruct entrances, and improve exterior building safety. Local governments must provide matching funds. The counties receiving grants are Anoka, Benton, Blue Earth, Carlton, Chisago, Grant, Isanti, Koochiching, Mahnomen, McLeod, Mille Lacs, Mower, Norman, Otter Tail, Pine, Pope, Red Lake, Scott, Sibley, Swift, Todd, Waseca, and Wilkin.