What genealogy events are coming up? Which are virtual? Which aren’t?

Sure you can click on the tab above the says SPEAKING to learn about the upcoming presentations I am doing. I appreciate all of you that attend both the free and fee-based events and gratefully applaud the organizations that invited me. Looking for another topic or speaker? Check out Conference Keeper. The free website has […]

My updated genealogy presentation calendar for 2023

Today, I added some new presentation dates and topic details to my 2023 speaking calendar. I don’t add all the details until I have a signed contract with the sponsoring group. Click the Speaking tab above to view the calendar and links to registration for the virtual events.  If your organization is interested in hiring […]

Farms, rivers, railroads, and all ancestral families covered in next Saturdays’ genealogy workshop

I have completed the multi-page handouts for next Saturday’s presentations and hope you will join me virtually in Covington, Kenton County, Kentucky. It’s not only the people directly involved in these occupations, but the people who supplied them, repaired them, married them, lived near them, and traveled with them. Need some ideas for where to […]

Updated my genealogy presentations calendar

It’s been a productive Friday. Finished a lengthy client research report, am now updating a handout for an upcoming presentation, and updated my 2022 presentations calendar. All while we have some very cold weather here, but the sun is shining! At this point, I am still accepting only virtual webinar or seminar presentations. I’m also […]

My best, no, my favorite genealogical presentation topics

When I hear from some genealogical and historical organizations about doing a seminar or single talk for them, I get asked “what are your best topics?” The best topics have to be judged by those who listen and hopefully learn from them. I can’t always judge that but I can tell which are my favorite […]

Genealogy day-long seminars near and far: virtual all-day learning

Webinars, institutes, conferences, and seminars. Genealogical education is vital and, in many ways, so easily accessible in 2020 and 2021 as these have gone virtual. Don’t forget to check county, regional, and state genealogical societies to see what they have to offer. Some are free, but many have a fee associated. The organization needs to […]

My October & November genealogy presentations

Over the next two months, I will be live and in-person in Florida (1 day), Minnesota (3), and Wisconsin (2). I close out the year with a webinar. October 4-5, Plymouth, Minnesota [Minneapolis area] Minnesota Genealogical Society Annual North Star Conference and MGS 50th Anniversary Banquet. Extensive list of speakers. I am doing two presentations […]

Seminars & Webinars: 8 are members of the Federation of Genealogical Societies

I love statistics and tonight I had a thought about the genealogical organizations for which I am doing webinars or in-person presentations in the upcoming months.  I checked and found that eight of the organizations are members of the Federation of Genealogical Societies. That’s an impressive number that understand the importance of having a strong […]