Taking care of damaged family history papers and memorabilia

Whether it’s the awful fires in California or elsewhere, blizzards, hurricanes, leaky roof, or house fires, family historians often have losses and damage to family history materials. The links below are helpful websites mentioned by the Society of American Archivists. (SAA). DISASTER RECOVERY RESOURCES Disaster Response and Recovery Guides (FAIC) https://www.culturalheritage.org/resources/emergencies/disaster-response-recovery Records Emergencies Guides (NARA) […]

A researcher’s commentary on the value of librarians and archivists!

An 8 June newspaper article in the StarTribune that has a connection to my 9 June post seems appropriate to share. It’s not from a genealogist, but David R. Smith, the author, did research that resembles what we do. Once again, it shows the connection with history and genealogy.  His commentary “In Praise of Librarians […]