GRIP 2024 “Digging Deeper” Friday Sessions and Reasons to Register

Only 3 more days till registration opens for the virtual Digging Deeper: Records, Tools, and Skills course and the other 19 courses of GRIP Genealogy Institute for 2024. June and July will be busy education months. I’ve already blogged about the Monday through Friday sessions in Digging Deeper, and the Friday sessions are below. Still […]

Registration is open for online Family History Research Course this March

Are you a beginning family history researcher? Maybe it’s been a while since you worked on it and need to update and restart your family history research? Join the Clayton Library Friends and Paula Stuart-Warren, CG, professional researcher and lecturer for 4 online sessions in March! Each session is accompanied by an extensive handout with […]

Some of my free presentations for Native American Heritage month

I have a busy week on my calendar. Each of these upcoming presentations of mine for National Native American Heritage Month is being presented at no cost to registrants. The presentations and extensive handouts are not exactly the same, though some sections are necessarily general. Parts of each are devoted to Indigenous peoples connected to […]

Next 2 genealogy presentations: Wisconsin and a webinar

Two very different presentations are on my calendar over the next ten days. One is online as a webinar and the other is an in-person event. Both are free and open to the public. August 3, 2019, Saturday, WebinarSouthern California Genealogical Society Jamboree FREE webinar. “Railroad Records Research in Today’s World.” 1:00 EDT, Noon CDT, […]

GRIP syllabus prep: genealogy hints for myself

I spent many hours the last couple of weeks working on my syllabus material for the July week of the Genealogical Research Institute of Pittsburgh. I coordinate and teach in the course Digging Deeper: Records, Tools, and Skills. I’ve made a few changes in this course over the years but it still remains mostly at […]