There are good experiences and then THERE IS AWESOME! Virtual GRIP Genealogy Institute was awesome last week!

Last week, as some of you already know, I taught in three courses of the virtual week of GRIP Genealogy Institute. On Friday night, the adrenaline was still present. Slept very well that night and the next two nights. I guess the exhaustion had set in. A good kind of exhaustion. The students were amazing, […]

GRIP Genealogy Institute Virtual Week is soon. Some seats are still available

Syllabus sections all turned in and from what I have seen, there are a lot of reminders, tips, images, charts, websites, and published material. My PowerPoint presentations are in the fine tuning stage. Still time to join us June 23-28, 2024 for some amazing education, sharing, networking, and some laughter, too. Weeklong Virtual Courses. GRIP Genealogy Institute. I will […]

Hey genealogy enthusiasts! Join us in June for Digging Deeper: Records, Tools, and Skills

Why join us before the seats are filled? This long-standing course speaks for itself and the evaluations from past students in this “beyond the basics course tell the story.” GRIP Genealogy Institute is the place to register. Don’t forget!