Genealogical and historical research in the Great Lakes Region

If you live in the Great Lakes region in either Canada or the U.S., this course has some superb education for you. If some or all of your ancestral families resided in the region, this course will assist you in learning more about them. If family members worked in the region, this course will fill in details you didn’t know you were missing. Take a look at the lineup of sessions offered during June 23-27, 2025, in this course. Register while on that link!

The syllabus for this course is almost a full education in itself and is only available to course registrants. The camaraderie between the four instructors and students in this course rises to an amazing level. I am fortunate to be one of those instructors. Don’t wait too long to register. After the course ends, there will be recordings of the sessions available for two weeks. Then there will be plenty of summertime after that to take a boat ride on the Lakes, watch the ocean going ships, see wheat and coal loaded, wave at ship crews, have a beach lunch lakeside, or simply listen to the waves, and be a part of the Spirit of the Inland Seas.

May be an image of 1 person and text that says 'GRIP GENEALOGY INSTITUTE SPIRIT OF THE INLAND SEAS: RESEARCH IN THE GREAT LAKES REGION Virtual Course June 23-27, 23-27,2025 2025 This course will take students through genealogical and historical research in the Lakes region of the United States and Canada. Great COORDINATOR: Cari Taplin INSTRUCTORS: Cyndi Ingle, Judy Russell, and Paula Stuart-Warren Stuart- Registration opens February 2025'


Digitizing Vital Railroad History

The Chicago and North Western Historical Society is truly becoming more known as a trailblazer in the preservation of a variety of records, maps, and equipment. Its new building is at the Illinois Railway Museum in Union, McHenry County, Illinois. A 14 March 2025 press release tells of how the C&NWHS organization is preserving much of its collection. It has already worked with to share “Chicago and North Western Railroad Employment Records, 1935-1970.” I discuss this collection in some of my presentations about genealogy and railroad records, especially because it includes some of my relatives who worked for the “Omaha” railroad (Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha Railway, later a part of the C&NWR) in Wisconsin and Minnesota. For dates when I am doing a railroad presentation online, check my Upcoming Presentations under the Speaking tab above.

This part of the press release is a teaser to read more about the scanning equipment and what is being done already.



More grants to preserve historical court records in Virginia

I occasionally post about national and state organizations providing grants to local historical societies, courts, and other concerns in regard to preserving history. The grant might be used to purchase archival shelving, add a new roof, digitize newspapers, prepare finding aids, repair books, or some other vital tasks. Most of my posts result from information I receive in emailed newsletters, blogs, Facebook pages, or other social media. The March 2025 Newsletter from the Library of Virginia is another example of the great things we learn from staff at various historical societies, archives, and university libraries.

In fact, this June I am teaching a session on that value and type of missives and articles from such repositories as part of a virtual course. What an array of amazing information they share. My title is “Mining the Written Words of Repositories, Societies, and their Staff” and is part of my course Beyond Digging Deeper: Sources, Methods, and Practices. For more information on this GRIP Genealogy Institute course

Now back to the Library of Virginia newsletter and more than a hundred grants across the commonwealth to professionally conserve records dating back to the 1690s!

Click to access Media_Release_Library_of_Virginia_announces_2025_preservation_grants.pdf


Roseau County, Minnesota history stories

I’ve blogged about the Minnesota Digital Library before and last week I learned about some additions to it through one of the library emails I receive. It involves the The Roseau County Historical Society and Museum in Northwestern Minnesota, along the border with Canada. “The Minnesota Digital Library (MDL) is pleased to share newly digitized audio recordings from the Roseau County Historical Society (RCHS). The recordings come from the society’s radio program called “A Look Back in Time Stories,” broadcast on local radio station KJ102 FM, as well as several more oral histories, programs, and interviews. This is the latest set of audio files from RCHS that are now freely accessible in MDL. All of them explore the history of the Roseau area, including the Northwest Angle.”

“Highlights from these new additions include a program on prehistoric Roseau County by archaeologist Mike Bulak; an interview with David Johnson, one of the founders of the Polaris snowmobile company; and a panel discussion on Scandinavian art, music, instruments and traditions with three Minnesota professors.”

Listen to all of the audio recordings in MDL today.

Visit the historical society’s website



2025 GRIP Genealogy Institute Syllabus Work

Over the last month I have prepared 8,162 pages of syllabus content for the my 2025 GRIP Genealogy Institute new virtual course “Digging Deeper: Sources, Methods, and Practices.” My instructors in this course have prepared 9,854 pages. Then I updated and expanded 3,100 pages for Cari Taplin’s GRIP returning course “The Spirit of the Inland Seas: Research in the Great Lakes Region.” I might be stretching those numbers a bit.

Well, it seems like that many pages when we all work diligently to provide our students with exceptional material. 😉 The syllabus for most courses run about 150 to over 200 pages. 

Each of these courses does include an extensive syllabus that will be a fantastic reference source for years to come. Have you registered for these June virtual courses that include the lecture recordings for 14 days after the course ends! and if you have questions check the FAQs under the Other tab.



Genealogy news from RootsTech:

Over the next couple of weeks I will be posting about a few of the offers and announcements from various genealogy organizations and companies coming out of this week’s RootsTech Conference being held this week in Salt Lake City. Many sessions are available for viewing online at no cost.

Ancestry has a big sale on DNA kits. The basic test is only $39 through March 17, 2025.

My Upcoming Genealogy Presentations Page is Back

UPDATE: My website had to be restored to earlier last week and I think I have reposted those that were thus deleted. Next up is to update that presentations page. In the meantime, I am reposting a handful of upcoming dates.

The original blog post: I appreciate Tami Osmer Mize letting me know that the Speaking Calendar part of my website disappeared. She is the wizard behind Conference Keeper, a fantastic online calendar of genealogy events. I’m working on getting my own calendar restored. In the meantime, these are my upcoming presentations through the middle of April. Each of my presentations includes general information on the topic and a section that pertains to the area hosting the webinar. Each includes an extensive handout. Most single webinars are FREE, but some organizations use the handout as a benefit for their members. A single webinar is about an hour long followed by a 15-minute Q&A session.

• 8 March 2025. Saturday Webinar. Waupaca Area Genealogical Society Wisconsin). 9:00 a.m. CST. My presentation is “Railroad Records and Railroad History: Methods for Tracking.”

• 11 March 2025. Tuesday Webinar El Dorado Hills Genealogical Society (California). 6:00 p.m. PDT. My presentation is “Tho’ They Were Poor, They May Have Been Rich in Records.”

• 28 March 2025. Friday Webinar. Family History Research Center at the Clayton Library Campus. (Houston, Texas). 2:00 p.m. CDT. My presentation is “Tho’ They Were Poor, They May Have Been Rich in Records.”

• 29 March 2025. Saturday Webinar. Capital Area District Libraries (Lansing, Michigan). 11:00 EDT. My presentation is “Railroad Records and Railroad History: Methods for Tracking.”

9 April 2025. Wednesday Webinar. Virginia Genealogical Society. 7:00 p.m. EDT. My presentation is “The WPA Era: Free Records Boon from the Government.”

11 April 2025. Friday Webinar. Legacy Family Tree Webinars. 1:00 p.m. CDT. My presentation is “Neglected Gold in Older Genealogical and Historical Periodicals.” My affiliate link to register:


Genealogy research in the Great Lakes areas? GRIP Genealogy Institute has a course for that!

I have been doing family history research in the Canadian provinces of Ontario and Quebec, and several U.S. northern border states for many years. What are your areas of interest? This course takes you beyond the usual. Being a part of this course might show that you have some additional Great Lakes region connections. Will you join us virtually in June? Register now and enjoy the sessions and the extensive syllabus compiled for this course.

May be an image of 1 person and text that says 'GRIP GENEALOGY INSTITUTE SPIRIT OF THE INLAND SEAS: RESEARCH IN THE GREAT LAKES REGION Virtual Course June 23-27, 23-27,2025 2025 This course will take students through genealogical and historical research in the Lakes region of the United States and Canada. Great COORDINATOR: Cari Taplin INSTRUCTORS: Cyndi Ingle, Judy Russell, and Paula Stuart-Warren Stuart- Registration opens February 2025'



“Beyond Digging Deeper: Sources, Methods, and Practices” GRIP virtual course registration is open!

UPDATE: The course is now 2/3 full so don’t delay your registration. Join us for the 23-27 June 2025 virtual week long course Beyond Digging Deeper! The day before, 22 June, is when we gather virtually for a short while to learn more about GRIP, Zoom, meet each other, and get questions answered.

This course is not the same as its sister course held in other years at GRIP, “Digging Deeper: Records, Tools, and Skills.” These courses complement each other and may be taken in any order. It’s more digging deeper, research plan experience, understanding the records, analyzing the depth in them, better ways to utilize the records, learning from related fields of study, and interactive sections where students put the learning into their work immediately. I am the coordinator and am joined by these excellent instructors, Amy E. K. Arner, Cyndi Ingle, Teresa S. McMillin, Kimberly T. Powell, Debbie Mieszala, and Cari Taplin. Brief bios of each of us are on the GRIP website. We work together to produce this amazing course and the extensive syllabus.

Learn more about the course and click on the Green Register icon to join us. Members of the National Genealogical Society save some money on all the courses.



Minnesota Digital Library & Civil War pension correspondence

I recently learned of a new addition to the Minnesota Digital Library (MDL). The Northwest Minnesota History Center at Minnesota State University Moorhead recently contributed the Solomon G. Comstock collection, which includes documents and correspondence “with over 200 Civil War veterans or widows of veterans about their pension claims, from about 1889-1891.” I knew that many attorneys had clients trying to get their pensions approved and have seen some other collection descriptions from around the U.S. but have not read any of the correspondence. I suggest if you find some preserved files from attorneys that may connect to a family member, check out the collections. ArchiveGrid is one place to search for such things.

In this case, some of Comstock’s files for individuals are a handful of pages and others like the item below are part of dozens of pages. Most of the pension seekers are from Northwestern Minnesota, a few from other places in the state, and I noted at least a couple from North Dakota. This page below is part of a letter and continuing correspondence over a span of one year as several people strove to get William Blaisdell of Pelican Rapids, Otter Tail County, Minnesota, his continuing pension. As the “Letters and documents related to William Blaisdell’s Civil War pension claim. Includes a year of correspondence with letters from Maria J. Blaisdell [William’s wife and guardian], Maria’s brother [actually her son] E.H. Blaisdell, and family attorney Chas. L. Lewis to U.S. Congressman Solomon G. Comstock.” A separate file for Maria Blaisdell appears to be a duplicate of some pages in the main file. Maria does not hold back in her letters to Comstock as she complains of a stoppage in money that was being received, of William’s insanity, of the politicians not doing what she wished, and of William’s time at the St. Peter State Hospital due to the insanity. William, a New Hampshire native, served in the war from Minnesota, and died on 26 August 1895 in Pelican Rapids. Many online family trees to learn more about the family.

Records from the state hospital are part of the state archives collection in the Minnesota Historical Society. I did check and there is a pension index card for William and the widow. I’m imagining that the pension file at the National Archives must be extensive. This is the link to the Blaisdell files on the MDL