Family History Month tips from

This press release shares some great tips and links to more.

Happy Family History Month from! To celebrate our favorite month of the year, has compiled the following advanced search tips to help your readers uncover their storied pasts and keep growing their family trees. 
Expert tips from genealogist D. Joshua Taylor include:
·         Re-Examine your findings – Sometimes the answer to a question is waiting in records you have already discovered. Take time to analyze your findings and give everything another look.
·         Locate the Original Record – In some cases you might be looking at a transcription or abstract made from an original record. While every effort is made to ensure transcriptions are accurate, it is essential to examine a copy of the original record.
·         Search collateral lines – Focusing your search on an ancestor’s siblings often yields additional records that benefit your research.
·         Participate in a DNA Study – The science of DNA analysis can have great benefits for genealogists. Many individuals participate in DNA surname studies which combine genealogical research and DNA results to prove relationships between individuals and potential origins of particular surnames or groups.
·         Search for printed resources – There are thousands of records not yet available online that include important information for family history research. Printed resources include printed genealogies, local histories, record transcriptions and abstracts, and other materials. Search for these materials in libraries and other repositories through WorldCat to locate sources close to your own home. has also created a dedicated landing page with a downloadable family tree and downloadable family history questionnaire. Throughout the month will be sharing daily tips on Facebook for genealogists and family historians. Facebook fans also have access to Facebook badges denoting their ancestry.

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1 comments on “Family History Month tips from

  1. I think the genealogy becomes more complicated once there have been several divorces and remarriages. I’m glad my mom was so into doing ours – all I really had to do was add me and my brothers to the tree!

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