2 days left to register: Nov 22 genealogy seminar in Tennessee

It’s been a while since I did presentations in Tennessee. That changes on November 22, 2014 when I will be the speaker for the Middle Tennessee Genealogical Society’s all-day seminar. I will be presenting four topics and will be around all day to help audience members with genealogy questions. These are my topics:

  • Railroad Records and Railroad History: Methods for Tracking
  • The Three Rs: Reading, ‘Riting and Research in School Records
  • The WPA Era: What It Created for Genealogists
  • Controlling Chaos: Organizing your Genealogical Materials

The event takes place near Nashville, in Brentwood. You must register by November 14th to be assured of a seat. The brochure and registration information is here: http://mtgs.org/calendar/2014%20Seminar%20brochure.pdf

© 2014, Paula Stuart-Warren. All rights reserved.

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1 comments on “2 days left to register: Nov 22 genealogy seminar in Tennessee

  1. I could almost feel the P- and S-waves emanating from Mid-TN here in SoCent Ky! Okay, perhaps with help from J. Mark live-posting the excitement of the crowd.

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