Top Ten Reasons to Sign Up For This Acclaimed Intermediate Level Genealogy Course at GRIP

This summer I get to teach an intermediate level genealogy course twice. Even better, I have wonderful co-instructors to help me. We bring many years of experience, knowledge, and teaching to the course. What’s the course you ask? Intermediate Genealogy: Tools for Digging Deeper at the Genealogical Research Institute of Pittsburgh (GRIP). I have been coordinating and instructing in this course and others since GRIP began seven years ago. Join us  for one of these two weeks:

  • July 22 to 27 in Pittsburgh at La Roche College
  • 29 July to 3 August In Amherst, NY at Daemen College [Buffalo area]

Top Ten Reasons to Sign Up For This Acclaimed Intermediate Level Genealogy Course

  1. Learn in a setting away from home where you immerse yourself and avoid laundry, bills, grass-cutting, and cooking meals.
  2. You want to learn about records and methods in order to find that paper trail of documentary evidence to correlate with DNA evidence. This becomes the story of those ancestors, cousins, aunts and uncles
  3. You have surpassed the beginning research level and need to learn about more records, libraries, archives, and websites and why and how to use them.
  4. You need hands-on practical activities including work on doing source citations.
  5. The syllabus. The syllabus. The syllabus. Did I mention the extensive syllabus for this course? It’s full of knowledge, reminders, online links, suggested books with comments on why, charts, images, and more.
  6. Problem Solving. Students in this course have the opportunity to submit a personal research problem and have it crowd-sourced by the instructors and fellow students.
  7. No running from room to room to grab a seat in a session before the room fills. You have a seat and get to know your fellow students and the instructors in the setting for this institute.
  8. Those instructors! We all bring many years of experience and are knowledgeable on a wide variety of records, localities, and topics.
  9. We’ll keep you updated on a variety of genealogy/family history “things.”
  10. This course provides a solid foundation for future work in other courses at GRIP. It improves your knowledge of resources, repositories, analysis, and research strategies.

If all those points aren’t enough to convince you to join us, how about door prizes, treats during the week, and a nifty signed completion certificate. PLUS, you may bring your cup of coffee, water bottle, or juice into the classroom. Whether you are a commuter, stay in the dorm, or a hotel, there are many opportunities for networking and us getting to know each other better and for sharing tips.

For details on this and other courses, info on the colleges, and to register, click here:

In some future blog posts, the other instructors will tell you more about themselves and their topics.


p.s. This post may be shared to help promote GRIP, but please give me and my blog credit for the initial posting.

© 2018, Paula Stuart-Warren. All rights reserved.

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2 comments on “Top Ten Reasons to Sign Up For This Acclaimed Intermediate Level Genealogy Course at GRIP

  1. Sigh, no need to tell me about all the reasons to attend. I was ready to sign up for SLIG and this class when I saw that it was not going to be offered in 2019, darnnnnn

    I live on the west coast. Adding the cost of the flights plus attending in summer makes attending this course now impossible.

    Will you ever be doing this at SLIG again, (please)?

    1. Hi
      It wasn’t my choice to end the course. The 30 students from last year and 20 from this year were disappointed too because they couldn’t tell their friends to take this course. I would love to do it again at SLIG, but it’s the director’s call, not mine.

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