Paula Stuart-Warren: Professional Genealogist

Paula Stuart-Warren, CG℠, FMGS, FUGA
500 County Road B West, #103
St. Paul, Minnesota 55113

You might look at her and think that she is an average Midwestern woman. Part of that is true but she is far from average. Paula is a workaholic who loves her profession and loves to get others excited about their family history. Paula works full time in genealogical and historical research, lecturing, consulting, and writing. She has been a Board-certified genealogist since 1988, passing the every-five-year renewal assessments by the national Board for Certification of Genealogists. She is a firm believer in continuing education in genealogy and strives to keep up to date by participating in national and local conferences, webinars, reading the publications of many genealogical and historical organizations and individuals both off and online. She completed the week-long U.S. National Institute of Genealogical Research held at the National Archives in Washington, DC. (Now titled Gen-Fed, Genealogical Institute on Federal Records.)

Research Repositories

Among the fantastic places where I have researched in person multiple times for clients and myself are:

    • State historical societies and/or state archives in Minnesota, Wisconsin, North Dakota, South Dakota, California, Maryland, Massachusetts, Virginia, Arkansas, Oklahoma, and others.

Activities and Service in the Field of Genealogy

She served two years as a national officer of the Association of Professional Genealogists and has been a APG Committee Chair. Paula served six years as a board member of the Minnesota Genealogical Society and continues as an active volunteer in genealogical, historical, and professional organizations. She served on the Federation of Genealogical Societies Board of Directors, and its Conference Planning and Awards committees.

Paula was a National Conference Co-Chair for the memorable FGS Quad Cities Conference, held 12-15 September 2001 in Davenport, Iowa, was Co-Chair for the 2011 FGS Conference held in Springfield, Illinois and the FGS 2013 Conference held in Fort Wayne, Indiana. She was the National Publicity Chair for the 2006 and 2009 FGS conferences. She has lectured at NGS and FGS national level conferences since the early 1990s.

Awards and Honors

Paula has received awards for her volunteer work and professionalism in the field of genealogy:

  • Fellow, Minnesota Genealogical Society
  • Award of Merit, Minnesota Genealogical Society
  • Grahame T. Smallwood, Jr. Award of Merit from the Association of Professional Genealogists
  • 2000: Honorable Order of Kentucky Colonels
  • George E. Williams Award from the Federation of Genealogical Societies for service to FGS and its member societies
  • Distinguished Service Award, Minnesota Genealogical Society
  • 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009: Award of Merit, FGS
  • 2007: Arkansas Traveler Ambassador of Good Will
  • 2008, 2012: Minnesota Genealogy Ambassador Award for representing Minnesota genealogy in the region and nation and bringing honor to Minnesota genealogy from The Minnesota Genealogical Society
  • 2009, 2010, 2012: Certificate of Appreciation, FGS
  • 2011: Fellow, Utah Genealogical Association
  • 2017: Loretto D. Szucs Service Award from FGS
  • 2019: Laura G. Prescott Award for Exemplary Service to Professional Genealogy from APG


Paula has written articles for American Ancestors, Ancestry Magazine, Minnesota Genealogist, Digital Genealogist, Family Tree Magazine, FGS Forum, FGS Voice, NGS NewsMagazine, National Genealogical Society Quarterly and She authored Minnesota Genealogical Reference Guide. She co-authored the best-selling Your Guide to the Family History Library: How to Access the World’s Largest Genealogy Resource. She currently edits her own blog, Genealogy by Paula (previously Paula’s Genealogical Eclectica) and is past editor of the FGS Conference News Blog.

Among the many articles she has written are these:

  • “Heartland Heritage” (about Midwestern research, Family Tree Magazine, June 2003
  • “Getting Into the Attic”(about the U.S. National Archives, Heritage Travel, Summer 2003)
  • “Researching in Washington, DC” (, posted March 8, 2005)
  • “Researching Your American Indian Ancestry” (NGS NewsMagazine, January-March 2005 )
  • “Readin’ Writin’ & Records” (Ancestry Magazine, July/August 2005)
  • “Taking 1910 Further” (Ancestry Magazine, July/August 2006)
  • “Railroad Lands and Your Ancestor” (FGS Forum, Spring 2008)
  • “Tracking Migrating Families: The Records of Old Settlers Organizations” (American Ancestors, NEHGS, March/April 2010)
  • The Historical Records Survey: A Researcher’s Dream.” NGS Magazine, Oct-Dec 2019, Vol. 45, Number 4, 19-25.
  • “Ratified Indian Treaties” (

Other Media

Paula has made numerous appearances on television, radio, and has been interviewed for daily newspapers in many cities. Her appearances have included the Minneapolis/St. Paul area, Quad Cities [Illinois/Iowa], Little Rock, Salt Lake City, Fort Wayne, and Seattle. She had been a research consultant for multiple television shows based on genealogy.

Lecture Involvement & Techniques

Her in-person historical and genealogical presentations are lively, yet professional and educational. Paula is comfortable with her audience and presents practical and accurate information. Each lecture and accompanying handout material is updated prior to each presentation. She is accessible for questions at her presentations and enjoys discussing genealogy with the participants throughout the event day. The visuals and the handout material reflect research in a wide variety of locales. Her lectures have taken her to most states around the U.S. and to Canada. She was a Course Coordinator for the annual Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy’s American Genealogy Records and Resources week-long intermediate course for almost 20 years. She has coordinated courses and taught at other multi-day institutes including the Genealogical Research Institute of Pittsburgh that began in 2012.

Specialties & Background

Her research specialties include methodology, research planning, one-on-one consultations, Native Americans, the U.S. National Archives and its regional facilities, the FamilySearch Library, Midwestern and Plains states, Minnesota Historical Society, the New England Historic Genealogical Society, Wisconsin Historical Society, and unusual records. Paula has worked for clients and her own family history on-site in courthouses, state archives, public and university libraries, and historical societies all across the U.S. and brings that knowledge to her audiences. She has researched for a wide variety of clients including individuals, businesses, corporations, authors, historical societies, law firms, Native American Tribes, and radio personalities.

Personal Genealogy

  • Paula is descended from ancestors representing eight different countries. These ancestors and the cousins resided in many U. S. States (including Arizona, California, District of Columbia, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Nebraska, New York, North Dakota, Rhode Island, Vermont, Washington, Wisconsin) and in several Canadian provinces. See: My Personal Ancestry
  • She has also researched her children’s paternal roots including extensive southern and southwestern roots (Arizona, Arkansas, California, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Missouri, New Mexico, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Texas, Virginia) and the varied ancestry of her grandchildren. A native Minnesotan, she is the mother of three adult children and has grandchildren and one great-grandchild.
  • While growing up, all three of her children could answer basic genealogical research questions that came via telephone when she wasn’t home. Two of her children are involved in historical and genealogical research but refuse to call themselves genealogists! Ah, contraire!

17 comments on “Paula Stuart-Warren: Professional Genealogist

  1. Paula,

    If you want to review Roberta Estes’ new book, DNA FOR NATIVE AMERICAN RESEARCH, on your blog (or in your talks), you may wish to become an affiliate on our website and get credit for any sales you promote. Obviously, I would be happy to send you an examination copy.

    Joe Garonzik

  2. I’m looking for a Paula Warren who lived on East side of St Paul, went to harding high. Is this you?

  3. Hello Paula, Would you have any recommendations of someone who would speak for 20 or 30 minutes at an monthly organization meeting of Aging but Dangerous….a org of dynamic over 50 women. I appreciate your time to review my request and could provide more detail privately. Sincerely. Anna Schwartz

    1. I am a fan of Ancestry but am not employed by Ancestry nor do I currently post affiliate links to Ancestry. I try to always identify affiliate links when I do post them. I try to highlight a sale, post, upgrade, or event for organizations and businesses every so often.

  4. Hello Mrs. Warren,

    Came across your website of being Genealogist, I’m trying to locate father, Have been trying off and on now for the 30 years. See where you have information about railroads employees.My birth certificate in 1962 its shows my father worked for the seaboard coastline as construction worker. His name Cecil Colbert Rice, Many years ago I contacted the Company, The name had changed to CSX Train Company. When asked do you have records from back in 60’s or 70’s was told they only had records back to 1977, He was not found on any of there employment records. Have also contacted Vital Statics in Florida and Georgia with letters asking for records of birth, death, marriage, divorce. There was nothing found in either state, Its long story, But my mother would never talk about him to me my high life. She past away in April 2004, Since then I have been on and off trying to locate any information about my Father. All I have is name, Cecil Colbert Rice, no birth, death if he has past, married and divorce. I’ve any tried to go through my mother name Doris Cain Rice and Doris Cain Mc Fadden, she married again but I don’t know what year. Would you be able to help me in anyway? I have order DNA test through have mailed test kit back, been about 10 days since mailed Ancestry have received kit and are processing. Could take up to 8 weeks is what I was told. Mean while… I’m working on my end to locate information about my father. My uncle told many years ago when I was teenager he met my father with my mother at family reunion, some where in Georgia. Would like to talk with you if possible please. This is my phone number 352-214-4494, I’m in Florida. Thank you for any help you can offer me.

  5. Hello Ms. Stuart- Warren,

    I received my DNA results and need some assistance in unraveling this mystery. I have contacted with a person that might be my aunt or half sister. If I send you the DNA results such as segments , SNPs and CMs would you be able to assist me?



  6. Could I please call and talk to you?
    I will be glad to pay you for your time.
    Kaye Nelson

    Grassy Butte, ND

  7. Re: your new site

    I like the way the scrolling responds to my mouse-wheel– sort of like ice skating!

    The date function does seem to be 12 hrs off (or maybe just am/pm switcheroo?). I only noticed because my computer time-stamps incoming emails five hours ahead (possibly at one time I thought it was cute to set the time-zone to my brother’s house in Germany) and I do the subtraction in my head, rather than track down the source.

    Blog on!

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