More grants to preserve historical court records in Virginia

I occasionally post about national and state organizations providing grants to local historical societies, courts, and other concerns in regard to preserving history. The grant might be used to purchase archival shelving, add a new roof, digitize newspapers, prepare finding aids, repair books, or some other vital tasks. Most of my posts result from information […]

October is American Archives Month: Some challenges for you!

In addition to October being celebrated as Family History Month in the U.S, it’s also the ultra-important American Archives Month. Many types of archives are found across the United States. City, county, state, region, university, military, religious, ethnic, music, medicine, and of course at the national level, the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) provide […]

South Dakota State Historical Society Shutdown for renovation

A March 3, 2023, Press Release provided dates for a lengthy shutdown while the Cultural Heritage Center in the state capital of Pierre is being renovated. “PIERRE, S.D. – Plans are moving forward to renovate the historic Cultural Heritage Center in Pierre. Last year, the State Historical Society received an appropriation to renovate the Cultural […]

Free webinar: “Major Midwestern Archives and Their Records”

UPDATE: The registration limit has been reached. Watch the MGS website for more great webinars. If you join MGS, you will be able to view all past webinars. One more reason why genealogical society membership is important.   Join me on Wednesday, April 6, for a FREE webinar sponsored by the Minnesota Genealogical Society. My […]

Recent accessions with a genealogy connection. Recent what?

Accessions? What is she talking about! I am talking about manuscripts, photos, books, maps, and other items recently or newly donated to or purchased by our great research repositories. These could be the county or state historical society, ethnic society, state archives, university special collections department or any other place we may go to do […]

October: Family History Month and American Archives Month

What a great combination of designations for this month. In many places, the temperatures are cooling down. We aren’t going on as many picnics, to the beach, or using the swimming pool.  Children are back in school. The genealogist’s minds turns to FAMILY HISTORY. October seems fitting to be both Family History Month and American […]