Genealogical and historical research in the Great Lakes Region

If you live in the Great Lakes region in either Canada or the U.S., this course has some superb education for you. If some or all of your ancestral families resided in the region, this course will assist you in learning more about them. If family members worked in the region, this course will fill […]

More grants to preserve historical court records in Virginia

I occasionally post about national and state organizations providing grants to local historical societies, courts, and other concerns in regard to preserving history. The grant might be used to purchase archival shelving, add a new roof, digitize newspapers, prepare finding aids, repair books, or some other vital tasks. Most of my posts result from information […]

Roseau County, Minnesota history stories

I’ve blogged about the Minnesota Digital Library before and last week I learned about some additions to it through one of the library emails I receive. It involves the The Roseau County Historical Society and Museum in Northwestern Minnesota, along the border with Canada. “The Minnesota Digital Library (MDL) is pleased to share newly digitized […]

2025 GRIP Genealogy Institute Syllabus Work

Over the last month I have prepared 8,162 pages of syllabus content for the my 2025 GRIP Genealogy Institute new virtual course “Digging Deeper: Sources, Methods, and Practices.” My instructors in this course have prepared 9,854 pages. Then I updated and expanded 3,100 pages for Cari Taplin’s GRIP returning course “The Spirit of the Inland […]

Genealogy research in the Great Lakes areas? GRIP Genealogy Institute has a course for that!

I have been doing family history research in the Canadian provinces of Ontario and Quebec, and several U.S. northern border states for many years. What are your areas of interest? This course takes you beyond the usual. Being a part of this course might show that you have some additional Great Lakes region connections. Will […]

“Beyond Digging Deeper: Sources, Methods, and Practices” GRIP virtual course registration is open!

UPDATE: The course is now 2/3 full so don’t delay your registration. Join us for the 23-27 June 2025 virtual week long course Beyond Digging Deeper! The day before, 22 June, is when we gather virtually for a short while to learn more about GRIP, Zoom, meet each other, and get questions answered. This course […]

Minnesota Digital Library & Civil War pension correspondence

I recently learned of a new addition to the Minnesota Digital Library (MDL). The Northwest Minnesota History Center at Minnesota State University Moorhead recently contributed the Solomon G. Comstock collection, which includes documents and correspondence “with over 200 Civil War veterans or widows of veterans about their pension claims, from about 1889-1891.” I knew that […]