June 2023 Virtual Course: Digging Deeper into Genealogy

It’s just over 3 months till the 2023 virtual week of the Genealogical Institute of Pittsburgh (GRIP). The wide variety of courses provide education on almost everything genealogical. The course I have told you about does still have some openings after last week’s rush to register. Not everyone had free time to do that registration […]

Adoptees and family members may apply for FREE DNA kits. 5,000 kits!

An announcement from MyHeritage at RootsTech is special for adoptees and family members searching for their connections.  In his announcement, Daniel Horowitz states that he was proud of the “company’s commitment to make the world a better place. In that spirit, it gives me great pleasure to tell you that we have just launched a […]

South Dakota State Historical Society Shutdown for renovation

A March 3, 2023, Press Release provided dates for a lengthy shutdown while the Cultural Heritage Center in the state capital of Pierre is being renovated. “PIERRE, S.D. – Plans are moving forward to renovate the historic Cultural Heritage Center in Pierre. Last year, the State Historical Society received an appropriation to renovate the Cultural […]

Tomorrow (Feb 22) is the day to register for GRIP genealogy education

Time sure flys! Tomorrow, February 22, 2023 is when online registration starts for the Genealogical Research Institute of Pittsburgh. June courses are virtual, July courses are in-person. Each is a week-long event. Smart genealogists view the courses and then the registration page details so they are ready on Wednesday. As coordinators and instructors, my colleagues […]

Minnesota lake has been a sanctuary to African Americans for nearly 100 years

A recent Google news alert led me to a Minnesota tradition that I did not know about. WDIO, a TV station in Duluth, told a story about a lake in Minnesota. “In Minnesota, going up North for the weekend to experience cabin life is no rarity. Something good is always cooking up North—family time, fishing, […]

Only 3 more days till GRIP genealogical virtual education registration

ONLY 3 more days until online registration opens for the 2023 Genealogical Research Institute of Pittsburgh! Week-long genealogical education. Won’t you consider joining us for this live virtual course? You won’t have to wear shoes, can make your own coffee or lemonade, and can start a load of laundry or feed your pets during the […]

Minnesota Highway Department photos, maps, and more.

“The Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) recently added 40 books and 272 maps related to Minnesota’s highway history to the Minnesota Digital Library, including planning information, proposed routes, and transcripts from public hearings.” I read that and had to go look at the material. Historical information on maps, highways, interstates, and related things have always […]

Registration is open for online Family History Research Course this March

Are you a beginning family history researcher? Maybe it’s been a while since you worked on it and need to update and restart your family history research? Join the Clayton Library Friends and Paula Stuart-Warren, CG, professional researcher and lecturer for 4 online sessions in March! Each session is accompanied by an extensive handout with […]