Only 2 days till GRIP Genealogy Institute 2025 registration

It’s almost here. 2 more days! Online registration for GRIP Genealogy Institute 2025 is on Tuesday February 4 at 1:00 pm EST for the June online courses, 3:00 pm EST for the July in-person courses. Please join my NEW online course 22-27 June and also enjoy fantastic instructors & an extensive syllabus that is only for course registrants. Beyond Digging Deeper features more discussion, hands-on work, and ultra-experienced instructors. Course Registrants will be able to watch videos of this course for 14 days after the end of the course so you can make sure you didn’t miss any points. View the course session details at

Be totally set for registration opening by being pre-prepared (yes, I typed that!). Scroll down this page for FAQs to get you ready so you don’t miss out.



1 week till 2025 GRIP Genealogy Institute registration opens on February 4th.

What are you doing in June and July? Maybe some genealogical research and hopefully that will be accompanied by continuing genealogical education? There’s always more to learn and I have some wonderful suggestions for that education. This institute has been around for quite a while and the number of returning students is a testament to the camaraderie and level of education. There is something for everyone.

ONE WEEK from today, 4 February 2025, is when registration opens for the 2025 GRIP Genealogy Institute. For more details on courses and registration:

Course description and sessions:
Registration FAQ: Scroll down the page for registration information and to be sure you are ready to log in on the 4th to get your first course choice.

I am coordinating the June 23-27 NEW course Beyond Deeper: Sources, Methods, and Practices. The other instructors and I meet weekly to be sure the syllabus and presentations will also be Beyond! Our many years of active and in-depth research experience and benefits of our own continuing education will be yours that week. Each session will be recorded and available through Friday, 11 July 2025, at 11:59 PM ET. How’s that for more Beyond!

On Wednesday of the virtual week, I will be teaching in the course The Spirit of the Inland Seas: Research in the Great Lakes Region that is coordinated by Cari Taplin who also teaches in the Beyond Digging Deeper course.


I’ll be watching for you on social media next week to learn who is joining us for GRIP 2025!


New York genealogy and legal connections? Still issues with vital records and the need to act now

If it’s not one thing, it’s several more. Yes, that’s a bit of a change from the usual phrase, but it applies in this case. Great that the New York Department of Health and the Governor’s current budget proposal strives to provide quicker action for requested vital records. However, it also means much higher costs to anyone needing a record and suggests longer terms of non-access. Read more and respond quickly. It will affect community, land, and probate research among other legal endeavors. I worry about my research for Native American Tribes and individuals, and law firms. Act now. More to learn at

Australia Day free records access January 25-28

From MyHeritage: A special announcement for those with family ties Down Under: in honor of Australia Day, we’re offering free access to more than 300 Australian historical record collections, including vital records, electoral rolls, convict records, and much more! The records will be free starting Saturday through Tuesday, January 25–28, 2025.

The free records include 118.9 million historical records from every category. These records can help Australians piece together the stories of their ancestors, whether they were among the first settlers, immigrants seeking a new life, or individuals who contributed to the nation’s development in other ways.




Interview of GRIP coordinators are live and it’s 15 days till 2025 genealogy course registration!

I was recently interviewed about my new online course for the GRIP Genealogy Institute June 22-27, 2025. Jeanette Sheliga was so much fun to talk with and her questions were perfectly directed. You can view it by visiting It features the image of part of my own office and reference bookshelves at home.

That website is also where you can learn a bit more about this new course I am coordinating, Beyond Digging Deeper: Sources, Methods, and Practices. It’s part of the June virtual week of GRIP and includes 4 full days and 1 half-day of great instructors, an extensive syllabus, and session recordings to review for 2 weeks after the course. I am also an instructor in another course that week, led by Cari Taplin.

Registration opens February 4 at 1:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time for the June week courses (Noon CST, 11 a.m. MST, 10:00 a.m. PST, and 10:00 a.m. in British Columbia where some of my distant cousins reside.) Registration opens at 3:00 p.m. for the in-person week courses in Pittsburgh July 13-18. Be sure to check the FAQ section of the NGS GRIP website to learn how to set up your account before registration opens.



Saint Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota transcribed building permits online.

The Ramsey County Historical Society has announced that St. Paul Building Permit Collection is now online. My warning is that it is not the original records, but information copied during the New Deal Works Progress Administration (WPA) era. I have not yet used the online access.

“This is a collection of index cards and permit files record permitted work performed on St. Paul houses and building from 1883-1975. These cards record the history of your house or building, including the dates and costs of original construction, additions, alterations, moves, and wrecks (demolition). The information was originally recorded by hand, then written onto cards by WPA workers in the 1930s, which were added to by City of St. Paul staff until 1975, when the system was computerized. Visit to learn more and create an account. Cost: $5 – 24 hours; $25 – 1 week; $100 – 1 month; $400 – Annual Pass.”



FREE Railroad Records half-day online seminar 18 January

I’ve been busy updating a couple of my U.S. railroad presentations for this coming Saturday, 18 January 2025. It’s amazing how fast things related to genealogical and historical research are updated or appear for the first time on an almost daily basis. Lots of new and expanded things to share this coming Saturday morning on railroad records and history from all over the U.S. It’s a FREE half-day seminar on behalf of the Peoria Public Library of Illinois. You don’t even need a Peoria library card to join us. The event includes an expansive set of handouts with reminders of what is presented and tons of books and websites for more information. Whether your interest is in railroad records or history, this is the event for you. Register at




Taking care of damaged family history papers and memorabilia

Whether it’s the awful fires in California or elsewhere, blizzards, hurricanes, leaky roof, or house fires, family historians often have losses and damage to family history materials. The links below are helpful websites mentioned by the Society of American Archivists. (SAA).


Disaster Response and Recovery Guides (FAIC)

Records Emergencies Guides (NARA)

Salvaging Water-Damaged Family Valuables and Heirlooms (FEMA, & HENTF)

Members of the public with questions about saving family heirlooms can contact the National Heritage Responders at

I would add the Northeast Document Conservation Center 

Cyndi’s List



2025 GRIP Genealogy Institute registration opens in 1 month!

Are you wrapping up your holiday busy time? Yes? Then it’s time to think about continuing your genealogy education this summer. ONE MONTH from today, 4 February 2025, is when registration opens for the 2025 GRIP Genealogy Institute. Choose from 5-day virtual courses in June or in-person courses in July. Great coordinators and instructors plus the behind-the-scenes people who organize it all and keep it running smoothly for each week. It’s education beyond the usual. Ah, that word beyond reminds me to suggest this June virtual course with an extensive syllabus that the other instructors and I are already working on. To read more about this new course that I am coordinating, visit and then check out all the other information on the site.



2025 Legacy Family Tree genealogy webinars!

It’s a new year and that means another new year of amazing webinar offerings from MyHeritage and Legacy Family Tree Webinars. 173 sessions are scheduled. Can you believe it’s the 15th year of these webinars! To view the full array that covers many speakers, many places, many topics, and more That’s my affiliate link and it’s posible to click on “Select All” to sign up for all the free titles, receive the links, and then get a reminder when it’s nearing. That way you won’t miss one. I am impressed by the breadth of the offerings.

Some are for Legacy Family Tree Webinars only. My affiliate link for signing up for a full year membership is I am honored to be a chosen speaker for Friday, 11 April 2025. My topic is “Neglected Gold in Older Genealogical and Historical Periodicals.”