Genealogy immersion for the presenters and the students equals deep education

Over the past two weeks, I presented a total of 17 lectures and led several discussion groups as part of two genealogical institutes. Then I rested a bit for a couple days. Watching baseball is one passion that relaxes me. One institute was the Texas Institute of Genealogical Research and the other was the Genealogical […]

Extensive syllabus prep: some upcoming genealogical presentations

The last few weeks have been extra busy with syllabus preparation for upcoming presentations. Some of those are listed below. Click on the links or blue organization titles to learn more and to register.  May 31, 2023. Free Webinar. 10:00 a.m. CDT, Noon PDT. Chula Vista Genealogical Society of Chula Vista, California. I will be […]

Minnesota Genealogical Society Midwest Migration Institute

Check your calendars! This coming August right here in the Twin Cities area. Join us for this new course. Registration has opened for MIGRATION TO AND THROUGH THE MIDWEST — a first of its kind two-day institute-style course that will provide education for genealogists and family historians on 18-19 August at the Minnesota Genealogy Center, […]

Genealogical institutes are perfect for family history education

Did you have time to register for a 2023 Genealogical Research Institute of Pittsburgh (GRIP) course when registration opened at the end of February? Some courses filled and some have a handful of open seats. Education is a basic part of family history research if you want to do it well. Education should never stop. […]

June 2023 Virtual Course: Digging Deeper into Genealogy

It’s just over 3 months till the 2023 virtual week of the Genealogical Institute of Pittsburgh (GRIP). The wide variety of courses provide education on almost everything genealogical. The course I have told you about does still have some openings after last week’s rush to register. Not everyone had free time to do that registration […]

Tomorrow (Feb 22) is the day to register for GRIP genealogy education

Time sure flys! Tomorrow, February 22, 2023 is when online registration starts for the Genealogical Research Institute of Pittsburgh. June courses are virtual, July courses are in-person. Each is a week-long event. Smart genealogists view the courses and then the registration page details so they are ready on Wednesday. As coordinators and instructors, my colleagues […]

Only 3 more days till GRIP genealogical virtual education registration

ONLY 3 more days until online registration opens for the 2023 Genealogical Research Institute of Pittsburgh! Week-long genealogical education. Won’t you consider joining us for this live virtual course? You won’t have to wear shoes, can make your own coffee or lemonade, and can start a load of laundry or feed your pets during the […]

Some of my upcoming webinars, courses, and institutes for the first half of 2023

February 22: Online Registration opens for the Genealogical Research Institute of Pittsburgh. I am the coordinator and lead instructor in the virtual course, Digging Deeper: Records, Tools, and Skills offered June 18-23, 2023. This course includes an extensive syllabus, hands-on work, and a suggested homework project.  I am also an instructor in that week’s Spirit […]

Feb 16 GRIP registration is nearing! Virtual genealogy education extraordinaire

The Genealogical Research Institute of Pittsburgh is in its eleventh year in 2022. I am fortunate to have been involved from the discussion stage to today! I hope you have February 16th marked on your calendar for the opening of online registration.  Courses: Registration details: Please read this page well before February 16th […]