There are good experiences and then THERE IS AWESOME! Virtual GRIP Genealogy Institute was awesome last week!

Last week, as some of you already know, I taught in three courses of the virtual week of GRIP Genealogy Institute. On Friday night, the adrenaline was still present. Slept very well that night and the next two nights. I guess the exhaustion had set in. A good kind of exhaustion. The students were amazing, […]

1 July 2024 means a hopfully easier birth family connection for adoptees born in Minnesota

I was fortunate to have been raised by the parents who gave birth to me. I knew all four grandparents and two great grandparents. I have not had to wonder where my Irish, German, Danish, French, other ethnicity, or where my short stature came from. I have friends who have provided a really wonderful family […]

What genealogy events are coming up? Which are virtual? Which aren’t?

Sure you can click on the tab above the says SPEAKING to learn about the upcoming presentations I am doing. I appreciate all of you that attend both the free and fee-based events and gratefully applaud the organizations that invited me. Looking for another topic or speaker? Check out Conference Keeper. The free website has […]

Minnesota Historical Society Digital Newspaper Hub adds more old newspapers

The updates to digitized newspapers for Minnesota keeps adding to my research task list! I already found one new item about my late father-in-law. MN Digital Newspaper Hub – May 2024 content updateA content update to the Minnesota Digital Newspaper Hub today added 10,025 new issues and 158,877 new newspaper pages. New publicly available titles […]

1 week left to register for GRIP Genealogy Institute June virtual courses

We all debate about things in life. Then we might miss a deadline. A BIG DEADLINE is approaching. ONLY 1 week till registration ends for the June 23-28 week of virtual classes with GRIP Genealogy Institute. The last day to register for that week is 14 June. I’d love to share the great education, instructors, […]

Wyoming’s Oldest, And Still Active, Railroad Union Predates Statehood By 21 Years

You may have heard one of my genealogy presentations on the value of railroad records, what may exist for your family, and how to find the collections that still exist today. Railroads are one of my favorite topics and some of the details in recoreds are amazing. That’s why this recent article in the Cowboy […]

4 weeks till the start of virtual genealogy course “Digging Deeper: Records, Tools, and Skills.

As I do each year, I have heard from prospective students for the GRIP Genealogy Institute course “Digging Deeper: Records, Tools, and Skills. No, it’s not a basic level course. Yes, even novice genealogists can learn a lot, but if you have a bit more experience, you will become a better researcher and have a boatload […]

NEW Saint Paul, Minnesota newspaper titles on GenealogyBank!

Big news for Minnesota and Saint Paul researchers. Finally, some additional years of the Saint Paul Pioneer Press and Saint Paul Dispatch online. In a future post I will add more on the changing titles of Saint Paul newspapers but for now here’s this recent update from GenealogyBank. Update: check under Minnesota and then Saint […]